Anyone Using an Asus DSL-AC68U

I'm currently using a Sky Hub, so have no access to them, however when I last used my HG612 I ended up with around 200 in 2 days.

I decided to use my Sky Hub as the modem though as it was synching at a higher rate.

The modem in the Asus is terrible.
Currently I still seem to be getting CRC error spikes where I don't on other devices such as the HG612 and FB7490. The only reason I'm staying on the DSL-AC68U for the moment is to continue monitoring it with changes to the settings, but also to force it at INP 3, delay 8ms, even though I'm on fastpath. Why? Because on fastpath I don't get too few error seconds to allow DLM to do more positive chanegs to my connection. Specifically being I'm on 67M downstream when I can achieve 80M, so I'm hoping within the next few weeks DLM will adjust the speed upwards after it sees I only get a few error seconds a day by forcing INP 3, delay 8ms :P.
I have been running for over two days now on this firmware on default settings and have had absolutely no crc errors either up or down.
I didn't get a great number before, over 50 days it was about 2500 down and about 1500 up but I certainly could guarantee to get four or 5 an hour, so for
me this firmware appears to be a vast improvement.
i take it most people backup their settings before firmware then restore once a reset has been done once upgraded?

Restoring settings can put back things you might not want to put back, I prefer to do everything fresh, I just write down digitally what I want to put back.
Right, I'm giving it another shot (must be a sucker for punishment).

I've reset the whole thing, re upgraded the firmware,

Set my DSL settings to these


and so far so good


Lets hope it holds.
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Stuck the new firmware on mine and the connected USB drive seems to be working ok. Still not going to use it as a modem until posts here convince me it's worth it so I am on the 'two box' setup, which is perfectly stable...
Has anyone managed to connect RouterStats after the latest firmware upgrade? I get:


When I try to get the stats page.

Just checked my ping's and speeds, though not using the Asus as a modem but the OR supplied one, my pings are around 13ms but my speed is only 16 to 17Mbps down and 6 up, not good for a 40-10 connection using the BT Wholesale test. OR have had up to three engineers with their heads in the local cabinet for over two weeks now so perhaps some work that's going on might be affecting it. I usually run at around 30 down and 9 up so I will need to keep an eye on it...
Has anyone managed to connect RouterStats after the latest firmware upgrade? I get:


When I try to get the stats page.


Asus has change new login mechanism (perhaps enhanced security) ... i think this is the reason, seems will not work anymore
You can send feedback to Asus & ask them or contact the program owner (router stats) or roll back firmware
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