Hello there
Have had an DSL-AC68U for around 12 months now and worked a treat, no connection drop off in the last 39 days (approx steady 37mbs download speed, ISP is EE). Installed with the latest firmware Version and Trend signature software. Problem is with the PS4 for on-line gaming i.e. Fortnite , it frequently comes up intermittently with a network error, lost network. The PS4 is LAN connected but this occurs when I have tried it with WIFI connected. No other device in my house suffers connection problems ! Just wandering if this has something to do with QOS settings, trend signature protection settings or something else!
Connected my old Bright Box 2 router today and the problem has gone away, (this router is limited with settings etc) but works ok with the PS4.
PS4 has the latest firmware 5.56
Any ideas or what this could be