This related to the RT AC68U, but I will post it here as well if ASUS are monitoring this thread, just in case.
Currently wanting to see if people are experiencing the same problem I have on the latest firmware on the RT. Currently in talks with support but haven't got more than 'make sure latest firmware, make sure you factory reset after latest firmware' so I sent them a more detailed idea of what was going on:
If anyone else has been encountering these issues I'd love to hear it so I can see what's going on. Two routers and the same issue in both says firmware side to me.
Currently wanting to see if people are experiencing the same problem I have on the latest firmware on the RT. Currently in talks with support but haven't got more than 'make sure latest firmware, make sure you factory reset after latest firmware' so I sent them a more detailed idea of what was going on:
Yes, I reset the device after a firmware reset.
I received a replacement AC68U from Amazon UK yesterday, I can confirm this happens on the new one as well - so I think this is a bug introduced by the latest firmware perhaps.
This is what I did with the new one:
- Updated it to latest firmware, reset to factory defaults.
- Set it all up again
- Begin connecting devices, initially, so far so good.
(List of devices connected:
My desktop PC through LAN
My laptop
My Note III phone
Parent Laptop
Parent Phone (S3 Mini)
Netgear Wifi Extender)
After this, it began to play up again. I tried to connect it to my mothers Tablet (Tab 10.1) and it would connect, but refuse to get an IP, timing out with "Network disabled due to bad connection" which was false as I was right next to the router.
The only thing that would get it to connect is changing the setting from DHCP in the phone to static, and then it would connect.
Tried again on my father's phone, same deal. Except, once I had rebooted the router his phone was able to connect through DHCP again, as what happened on the older router.
So, it seems for some reason I can't exactly pin down, the router stops being able to assign IPs for devices asking for them through DHCP (I gave it a range of, as I set static ones outside this range immediately after). A reboot seemingly fixes this, but is annoying and a bad sign if I need to do this.
If anyone else has been encountering these issues I'd love to hear it so I can see what's going on. Two routers and the same issue in both says firmware side to me.