At the moment just for stability im connected with my ac-68u to my Openreach modem.
Connected like this there is no button in the gui for the spectrum to scan. Unlike in modem mode there is a button to scan. Is there anything to this?
Assuming thats a DSL-AC68U you are using and not their router only AC-68U device then using it as a router only will mean only the router side of the device is in use and not the DSL side. So no it would not be able to do spectrum monitoring, i would guess that option is only for when the device itself is generating modulation, rather than it montor the spectrum of other devices like a BT Huawei or B-Focus modem plugged into it. Based on posts though id still issue the command to kill spectrum to make sure.
Your stats are not much use, you need to be connected longer (several hours preferably days) rather than just a few minutes to get an idea of error rate, at connection time or just after you can normally expect the odd CRC error. A burst of CRC or FEC can be down to anything especially within the first few minutes.... Did you let the router sync and then switch on your computer that is sat right next to the router or power on something else like a hifi amp which is sat next to it? Doing that on a device sensitive to external noise like it seems the Asus is would likely cause a sudden burst of error (probably from EMI from the other device). If your router is next to other equipment you power on and off try if you can to move it and see if you still get the bursts of CRC/FEC.
EDIT: also why is yours saying Annex L? Are you in a country other than the UK?
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