Anyone Using an Asus DSL-AC68U

this is what my line stats are 24hours after an engineer reset my dlm profile

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# xdslcmd info --stats
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 2
Last initialization procedure status:   0
Max:    Upstream rate = 25977 Kbps, Downstream rate = 71720 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 70083 Kbps

Link Power State:       L0
Mode:                   VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:          Profile 17a
TPS-TC:                 PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis:                U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):        6.6             10.0
Attn(dB):        15.2            0.0
Pwr(dBm):        12.5            6.6
                        VDSL2 framing
                        Bearer 0
MSGc:           18              150
B:              239             236
M:              1               1
T:              22              5
R:              0               16
S:              0.1090          0.3771
L:              17616           5410
D:              1               1
I:              240             255
N:              240             255
                        Bearer 0
OHF:            48386775                567007
OHFErr:         867             0
RS:             0               3198944
RSCorr:         0               27
RSUnCorr:       0               0

                        Bearer 0
HEC:            1416            0
OCD:            44              0
LCD:            44              0
Total Cells:    3178330585              0
Data Cells:     429456234               0
Drop Cells:     0
Bit Errors:     0               0

ES:             608             0
SES:            14              0
UAS:            972             958
AS:             87359

                        Bearer 0
INP:            0.00            0.00
INPRein:        0.00            0.00
delay:          0               0
PER:            1.80            6.15
OR:             106.34          202.87
AgR:            70189.82        20203.27

Bitswap:        60129/60129             32/33

Total time = 1 days 20 hours 23 min 27 sec
FEC:            0               27
CRC:            867             0
ES:             608             0
SES:            14              0
UAS:            972             958
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            13              0
LOM:            12              0
Latest 15 minutes time = 8 min 27 sec
FEC:            0               0
CRC:            3               0
ES:             3               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Previous 15 minutes time = 15 min 0 sec
FEC:            0               0
CRC:            5               0
ES:             5               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Latest 1 day time = 20 hours 23 min 27 sec
FEC:            0               26
CRC:            740             0
ES:             499             0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Previous 1 day time = 24 hours 0 sec
FEC:            0               1
CRC:            127             0
ES:             108             0
SES:            14              0
UAS:            946             932
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            13              0
LOM:            12              0
Since Link time = 1 days 15 min 59 sec
FEC:            0               27
CRC:            867             0
ES:             591             0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0

My profile has not changed unlike the asus would have.

If needed i can replicate the problems with their modem(asus), but first i would need asus to see my line without their modem. The exact same pattern of events occur, surely this is a starting point.

To me the modem is working the way it should, the way its been told to work.

So i think they should.
-first compare a 24 hour period with a few different modems ( make it a fair test by disabling most features that are not needed.

we all know the outcome and it doesnt look good.

-They will need to look closely at the 14- 24hr range as this is where it mostly gets crazy.

maybe something gets reported to modem between this time if so follow it back to where it originates.

Maybe data being reported back to DLM is in wrong format/order.
Can we send DLM wrong data? and send data that was produced by openreach modem. if we get a stable connection and no dlm intervention then we need to look at all the data collecting for any problems.
And you should look at the documents in more detail yourself. I didnt say it wasnt based on the ITU specs, Im saying that there are likely modifications to the base ITU spec in order to meet compliance for BT interoperability, such as NICC ND1602 : Specification of the Access Network Frequency Plan (ANFP)
Applicable to Transmission Systems Used on the BT Access Network.

There is no need "For the purposes of this document, VDSL2 is the technology defined in ITU-T Recommendation G.993.2"
means just that it does not mean some other organisation it does not mean BT and it does not mean whatever you want it to be. The ITU comes up with VDSL specs end of story. That document uses the ITU specs it ssays right there in black and white.
If it was totally based on ITU then they wouldnt have their own specs for access to BT network.
And if BT were the standard the UK should follow then Sky and Talk Talk as i said do not follow the same configurations. BT have nothing to do with any spec.
The crux of the matter that you keep missing the point of, regardless whos fault it is that these issues have arisen, is that this modem is not suitable for out of the box connection to BT FFTC connections. Asus have sold a product that just isnt working
Oh really... this is about to be funny again
As to your other comments regarding who has passed "BT testing", just googling for ND1436 compliance yields on the first page that EcoNet VDSL2 chipset has passed interop testing, so at least one company has deemed that UK interop testing is a good thing. (
Oh here we go with the comedy.....
and that chipset is what is used in the Asus DSL-AC68U LMFAO...
quote "CPU2: MediaTek MT7510" (on the left hand side in green box at that link)
oh dear..... So according to you now the chipset in the Asus has passed the tests you require already LMFAO, so much for those tests eh? LOL
I've not yet bashed any of their products yet. All I have said was that I would buy this device tomorrow if it was proven stable and won't be buying it until it is.
Im sure everyone cares you will not be buying a device.
As for the BT testing, I've been told (on here actually) devices were required to be approved by BT and were required to go through some sort of tests. Obviously not very close to the truth if you find it so hilarious. My bad.
ANYONE that claims BT test devices is a tool, they may in some way verify a device or give it a special badge of recommendation but thats it, they have nothing to do with laid down specifications as much as they may like to make their own up.
At least if they tested the product on a UK line, then they would have a definitive answer whether its a software or hardware issue. It would save time and effort either way if its worth attempting to fix or not. Just a suggestion.
NO device is tested for retailing on a telephone line as such, they are tested in a lab with equipment designed to mimic a line generating the required ITU VDSL specifications. Testing on a real life line to prove a device works would be stupid, if there were issues testing in that manner you would have to first prove its the device and not some decades old BT line you were testing it on.
Even BT thereselfs if they did any testing thereself for their openreach modems (unlikely seeing as Huawei and ECI would had already been through a million different types of tests) it would be likely they did it at a research department rather than on actual old crappy phone lines.
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bitNbobs, I am not going to argue with you, because oviously it is pointless. You are not really helping with your opinion aside from winding most people up with your argumentative replies. As far as I am concerned the asus is sold in the uk where sky are a major player, it is advertised as out of the box connectitivity and it has settings specifically within it for sky. If asus cannot get it to work with my isp then I think you will find it is they that are in the wrong..
There's always one, of course any person looking at this thread now might be confused by what he is saying think and they are at fault by purchasing the wrong equipment. Other manufacturers can get their products to work perfectly well with any old connection, even the cheapest. So why when one of the most expensive hardware comes along of this type is it too much to think asus, probably the largest hardware manufacturer in the world and produces something that they claim works with every type of connection, is it too much to ask they live up to that hype?
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bitNbobs, I am not going to argue with you, because oviously it is pointless. You are not really helping with your opinion aside from winding most people up with your argumentative replies. As far as I am concerned the asus is sold in the uk where sky are a major player, it is advertised as out of the box connectitivity and it has settings specifically within it for sky. If asus cannot get it to work with my isp then I think you will find it is they that are in the wrong..

Its not arguing its trying to educate, Sky uses something called MER to authenticate there are loads of devices that will not work with Sky at all. Just because they do not using your logic means they must all be faulty devices. If you head over to you will find devices and various posts on which devices do and do not work with Sky. The fact the DSL-AC68U works at all (if it does) is better than some devices which will not connect at all. There are also other devices which require custom firmware or DDWRT installed on them to work with Sky. SKY use non standard settings outside of xDSL spec ifications i dunno how to make that clearer to you.

Well said chriscatt. Im ignoring the obvious troll from here on in.

Yes ignore the facts that the Asus has a MediaTek MT7510 chipset which has passed the testing so were so adamant about.

There's always one, of course any person looking at this thread now might be confused by what he is saying think and they are at fault by purchasing the wrong equipment.

They would be stupid then as i have said in every post the device has flaws and issues that need fixing.

Other manufacturers can get their products to work perfectly well with any old connection, even the cheapest. So why when one of the most expensive hardware comes along of this type is it too much to think asus, probably the largest hardware manufacturer in the world and produces something that they claim works with every type of connection, is it too much to ask they live up to that hype?

It is not too much to expect it should work, it is too much to expect it to meet some expectations when those expectations are from people that have no idea what they are on about.

Expecting it to work is fair, offering useful advice to any Asus rep that comes along is good, moaning and stating nonsense about it has not passed this and that test is clueless dribble.

If you want to actually help the process try offering the new Asus rep in this thread detailed info like the poster Redbull2k has done. Or people can just continually moan and say it should work like other devices, face imaginary BT tests (blah blah cack cack) see the poor man has nothing to go on to help narrow the problems down. Or perhaps some just think its more reasonable to just moan rather than assist them?
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OK, I've finally got through to the right people and had a lengthy discussion about the problems.

In short, they are aware of them, and are trying to correct any uncovered issues with firmware updates but right now they don't have enough data from affected users on up-to-date firmware to make improvements.

What they are hoping to do is to acquire some reports from affected users in the UK - there is a built-in feedback feature under Administration - DSL Feedback which should provide the engineers with info on the modem issues that you're having. If any of you are able to capture these issues and submit them it would be really helpful.

You should receive responses from our team - if there are issues either with the responses or you find yourself at a dead-end please let me know and I'll try to get things moving.
Slightly off topic, but going off my previous stats, would I be right in thinking my cab has G.INP? I was on InterleaveDepth=1 with FECDown=23964
FECUp=3303, meaning G.INP from what I've briefly read?

Just a quick question.

I've had it nearly a week now, and I've not had any issues.

ASUSWRT DSL-AC68U_3.0.0.4 Mon Jan 12 06:52:14 UTC 2015
admin@DSL-AC68U:/tmp/home/root# cat /tmp/adsl/info_adsl.txt
fwVer= FwVer: HwVer:T14.F7_0.2

Opmode=ITU G.993.2(VDSL2)
SNRMarginDown=5.8 dB
AttenDown=10.9 dB
SNRMarginUp=6.0 dB
AttenUp=3.0 dB
DataRateDown=59705 kbps
DataRateUp=19243 kbps
ADSLUpTime=5 days, 22:38, 36 secs
ADSLActiveTime=0 min, 17 secs
PowerDown=14.0 dbm
PowerUp=6.9 dbm
mtenStandard=G.dmt.bisplus (Annex L)

I'm not sure if there's any settings I'd be better off changing there?

Also, with DLM am I fine to reboot after 5-6 days or is it better to wait until at least 7 days have passed? I'm hoping to reboot for a higher d/l and u/l rate.
In theory yes, FEC count on fastpath would be an indicator of G.INP.

However with the DSL-AC68U, there's been doubts cast on whether the FEC count is accurate or not anyway.

Providing your line is stable and the device isn't causing resyncs and drop in speeds then I'd leave the settings as they are.
OK, I've finally got through to the right people and had a lengthy discussion about the problems.

In short, they are aware of them, and are trying to correct any uncovered issues with firmware updates but right now they don't have enough data from affected users on up-to-date firmware to make improvements.

What they are hoping to do is to acquire some reports from affected users in the UK - there is a built-in feedback feature under Administration - DSL Feedback which should provide the engineers with info on the modem issues that you're having. If any of you are able to capture these issues and submit them it would be really helpful.

You should receive responses from our team - if there are issues either with the responses or you find yourself at a dead-end please let me know and I'll try to get things moving.

Thats good to hear that if people still see no improvement you will try to chase things up :)

Slightly off topic, but going off my previous stats, would I be right in thinking my cab has G.INP? I was on InterleaveDepth=1 with FECDown=23964
FECUp=3303, meaning G.INP from what I've briefly read?

NO look at your stats...
"Opmode=ITU G.993.2(VDSL2)"
That indicates its regular VDSL2

If you were on G.INP that line will (or rather should) either read G.INP or more likely G.998.4 (The real full name for G.INP. G.INP was only its provisional name)
Randell i see your DataRate is at 59 if you were to use the openreach modem wouldnt you get closer to 72 DataRate.

From my experiance you have already been hit by dlm and that is why your stable, for me when i got down to 58 DataRate i would still get disconnects then i would change back to my openrach modem.

Theres a pattern:
-Me 58 DataRateDown
-You 59 DataRateDown

-Me Max attainable 71
-You Max attainable 72

Using asus as a router DataRate Down is 71 (taken from my hacked hg612)

This is dlm at work here, i think your asus modem is affected.

This is just a guess.
Submit feedback to asus see what they say.
OK, I've finally got through to the right people and had a lengthy discussion about the problems.

In short, they are aware of them, and are trying to correct any uncovered issues with firmware updates but right now they don't have enough data from affected users on up-to-date firmware to make improvements.

What they are hoping to do is to acquire some reports from affected users in the UK - there is a built-in feedback feature under Administration - DSL Feedback which should provide the engineers with info on the modem issues that you're having. If any of you are able to capture these issues and submit them it would be really helpful.

You should receive responses from our team - if there are issues either with the responses or you find yourself at a dead-end please let me know and I'll try to get things moving.


Please note the DSL-N66U seems to share the same problems, and is receiving a lot less care and firmware updates. Until the beta of 2015/03/04 (that I just this moment found), the last one that changed anything was of 2014/09/04.
What they are hoping to do is to acquire some reports from affected users in the UK - there is a built-in feedback feature under Administration - DSL Feedback which should provide the engineers with info on the modem issues that you're having. If any of you are able to capture these issues and submit them it would be really helpful.

Hi Jim,

I think you might struggle with that - This has gone on for so long that most of the people that were having problems have had such a bad experience that they've given up on the device - After 4 months of being whacked by losing almost 15mb and going onto interleaved continuously, I recently went straight back to fast path within a few days of switching to a BT modem and gained all my lost speed back too.

Not sure what you'll be able to do to convince people to give it another try, but good luck!
Randell i see your DataRate is at 59 if you were to use the openreach modem wouldnt you get closer to 72 DataRate.

From my experiance you have already been hit by dlm and that is why your stable, for me when i got down to 58 DataRate i would still get disconnects then i would change back to my openrach modem.

Theres a pattern:
-Me 58 DataRateDown
-You 59 DataRateDown

-Me Max attainable 71
-You Max attainable 72

Using asus as a router DataRate Down is 71 (taken from my hacked hg612)

This is dlm at work here, i think your asus modem is affected.

This is just a guess.
Submit feedback to asus see what they say.

He has no interleaving applied so likely DLM has not intervened.
The ASUS always showed a much higher attainable rate for me compared to the HG612 or Billion 8800NL - just another quirk in the way it reports figures.
He has no interleaving applied so likely DLM has not intervened.
The ASUS always showed a much higher attainable rate for me compared to the HG612 or Billion 8800NL - just another quirk in the way it reports figures.

My HH5 TYpe B also reports a higher AR than the Billion and HG612, so perhaps the Asus is not doing anything quirky!?
WOW the latest firmware released is **** for this router.
i have never had a issue in 31+ days uptime @80/20 fastpath.

after installing this latest firmware im now interleaved and 70/20 speeds
wit 700 crcs currently after 6 hours.

does anyone know where to get the last official firmware from
cause this one is crap.

EDIT: never mind found it lol
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What they are hoping to do is to acquire some reports from affected users in the UK - there is a built-in feedback feature under Administration - DSL Feedback which should provide the engineers with info on the modem issues that you're having. If any of you are able to capture these issues and submit them it would be really helpful.

I'm still running mine on the latest firmware and it's been on interleaved since I set it up as a modem (about a week ago), so I'm submitting a report and including 24 hours of DSL logs. Hopefully that'll help.

PS: to the users debating, it's starting to clog up the thread a little! I'm guessing that other professionals browsing the thread will be able to distinguish uninformed ideas from the informed ones, so let's just focus on getting ASUS the info they need! :)
OK, I've finally got through to the right people and had a lengthy discussion about the problems.

In short, they are aware of them, and are trying to correct any uncovered issues with firmware updates but right now they don't have enough data from affected users on up-to-date firmware to make improvements.

What they are hoping to do is to acquire some reports from affected users in the UK - there is a built-in feedback feature under Administration - DSL Feedback which should provide the engineers with info on the modem issues that you're having. If any of you are able to capture these issues and submit them it would be really helpful.

You should receive responses from our team - if there are issues either with the responses or you find yourself at a dead-end please let me know and I'll try to get things moving.
I submitted report after report though the modem and the only answers I got back made my connection even slower. So beg me for thinking I don't have much confidence in the reporting method you've suggested. I also emailed Paul and really didn't get any help so I hope in here the support will be better. Thing is, now I have the OR modem reconnected everything is running the way it was before I started using the Asus however I will keep watching here and when(?) everyone can confirm there are no longer any issues with the Asus I might consider going back to it. But it would have to be performance on par with the OR modem..
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