Anyone using Wegovy?

22 Nov 2005
The whole "fashionable" diets like IF, Carb cutting etc I dont get.

Want to lose weight = burn more calories than you consume irrespective of the type of food you eat.

I just eat as normal and walk a lot whilst listening to audio books.

Seems I lose around 2kg a month with no diet changes.

from around 112 > 103.5kg (ideals supposed to be about 88-88kg but I'll be happy around 95 and starting walking less then.)
Been tracking for a month longer but I switched to a much better watch from a fitbit. (daily charging... no thanks)


my HR when walking is about 30 lower now too :O my watch tracks v02 max for walks/runs and thinks it went from 25 > 29. but I've never ran with it to know what it really is, it shows just walking 1-2 hours a day does a lot for you though.
it's not like it's hard work either, it's almost effortless to walk an extra few miles 1-2 x a day

I could probably lose weight far faster doing weights, which I have but I'm too lazy and find most exercise boring, which I guess is most peoples problem.
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20 Oct 2004
The whole "fashionable" diets like IF, Carb cutting etc I dont get.

Want to lose weight = burn more calories than you consume irrespective of the type of food you eat.

There's more to them both than weight loss, but yes weight loss is just thermal dynamics. Anyone who says their on a diet but can't lose weight is just eating more than they're burning. Simple.
3 Jun 2012
There's more to them both than weight loss, but yes weight loss is just thermal dynamics. Anyone who says their on a diet but can't lose weight is just eating more than they're burning. Simple.
I tend to find that people cannot stand the feeling of being hungry.
29 Dec 2004
I tend to find that people cannot stand the feeling of being hungry.
I think a big issue is people eat pretty crappy food that is barely satiating at maintenance calories so is unbearable when you are trying to lose weight. platinum87's steak diet is insane but it's a lot easier to cut weight on a whole foods based diet with good levels of fat, protein and fibre and minimal refined carbs.
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1 Mar 2010
Anyone who says their on a diet but can't lose weight is just eating more than they're burning. Simple.
yes - the type of calories you are ingesting have some implication on hunger you experience - cutting out fast sugar/fatty food/drink deliveroo and making sure the reduced calories
you take, on wegovy, count, like slow burning/low-gi carbs, or protein to satiate, so you just don't get any feelings of hunger driving your meal time intake.

With the likes of statins you are on them for life, but fortunately not for wegovy if you can learn to modify diet, and increase exercise if needed.
3 May 2012
Most people are unwilling to go through slight inconvenience to not reduce their life exptancy/not be fat.

Yesterday I ate a banana and a few slices of roast beef, that was it, milk in a few coffees I guess.

I reckon maybe 500 calories give or take.

Did 30 minutes kettlebell and sit ups..

Today, banana, yoghurt, and a tin of mackerel.

30 minutes kettlebell bell workout done, at midday will go for my hour walk.

I'm slightly overweight, could do with loosing a stone and a half. I'm working in it.

I wouldn't even dream of getting a drug prescribed instead, the NHS is struggling as it is, they need it to save people's lives.
29 Dec 2004
Yesterday I ate a banana and a few slices of roast beef, that was it, milk in a few coffees I guess.

I reckon maybe 500 calories give or take.

Did 30 minutes kettlebell and sit ups..

Today, banana, yoghurt, and a tin of mackerel.

30 minutes kettlebell bell workout done, at midday will go for my hour walk.

I'm slightly overweight, could do with loosing a stone and a half. I'm working in it.

I wouldn't even dream of getting a drug prescribed instead, the NHS is struggling as it is, they need it to save people's lives.
Wegovy is an incredibly low effort drug to prescribe vs treating the later effects of obesity. It's far from a perfect solution but we need a dramatic intervention now IN ADDITION TO addressing the wider issues that are causing the obesity epidemic.
23 Apr 2014
I wouldn't even dream of getting a drug prescribed instead, the NHS is struggling as it is, they need it to save people's lives.

In the long term, this could reduce the burden on the NHS if a significant proportion of people taking the drug achieve a healthy weight.

Being overweight increases the likelihood of a number of diseases.

I don't think wegovy should be the first thing people turn to when trying to lose weight, but for those who have tried numerous other ways, it is an alternative that seems to work for many.
1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
Yesterday I ate a banana and a few slices of roast beef, that was it, milk in a few coffees I guess.

I reckon maybe 500 calories give or take.

Did 30 minutes kettlebell and sit ups..

Today, banana, yoghurt, and a tin of mackerel.

30 minutes kettlebell bell workout done, at midday will go for my hour walk.

I'm slightly overweight, could do with loosing a stone and a half. I'm working in it.

I wouldn't even dream of getting a drug prescribed instead, the NHS is struggling as it is, they need it to save people's lives.
Even if you’re trying to lose weight, that’s surely still an unhealthy amount of food to eat. Your body still needs enough cals to function and avoid malnutrition
3 May 2012
Even if you’re trying to lose weight, that’s surely still an unhealthy amount of food to eat. Your body still needs enough cals to function and avoid malnutrition

Nah honestly you can take it if you try.

I done it once before, in my early 30's, I got to 15 stone that was enough for me and I had been watching bear grills island program, and saw how much weight they lost in like two weeks.

The place I worked at the time had a canteen, so 5 days a week I'd have a small soup a lunch time, and that was it, maybe 200 calories a day.

I took vitamins as well.

Then on the weekend I'd eat slightly more, but not much more.

I went from 15 stone to 11 and a half in 6 months, the vast majority of that in the first 3 months.

I also kept the weight off for years as well, only when lockdown came, I sort of had this mental thing that the world might be going to **** anyway, so thought **** it.

I didn't put it all back on , but did slowly creep up hence I'm working at it again, 11 and a half was too low for me anyway, I'm trying to get back to 12 and half or so, I need to loose a stone, maybe a stone and a half.

But you'd be amazed how little you can actually live on if you need to, plus still function in day to day life.

One thing I will say it's amazing how good your sense of smell gets when you truly are starving.
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