Anyone watching the Download Festival webcast?

for any1 that has missed it or simply wants to record it it is on Channel 4:
June 16, 01:20-02:20
June 17 12:55-01.55

thats am
Jihad said:
Actually yes it was trialed and he's due back in court in September.

yeh but he hasnt been proven guilty has he? thats my point, and look at a lot of other bands and there crimes they have done in the past, this is nothing.
Neoni said:
yeh but he hasnt been proven guilty has he? thats my point, and look at a lot of other bands and there crimes they have done in the past, this is nothing.
Only band that I've read of doing something bad like assault or rape would be Gorgoroth. ;)

Anyway it's not the band I'm just on about Oli, he's a tool.
Jihad said:
Only band that I've read of doing something bad like assault or rape would be Gorgoroth. ;)

he never raped a girl, he supposebly pee'd on one, which i doubt is true.
That'll be Dream Theater taking to the stage about now. Damnit, I am so jealous mate says he might just not go to see them, just so he can come back and say 'I could have seen them, but didn't want to' purely to annoy me. :p

I have a feeling he'll probably be there though, since he likes them really. He just doesn't like admitting a liking for any non-Japanese, non-metal, non-nonsensical bands. It hurts his street cred. ;)
Hardly surprising. I'm not leaving the site so it still works for me, but it has been getting steadily worse from when Stone Sour were on. I think the server may well go into meltdown. On the Maiden forum there looks like people from all over the world wanting to watch it.
Download website is going slow but that other link has a live stream on. Gona watch Iron Maiden now :)
Jihad said:
Whenever I try and watch the Download feed my internet goes off and I have to reset the modem and router.

What on earth? :mad:

Try using VLC or WMP Classic

Sound on and off during the sound check is normal, happened on most streams throughout the day, don't panic. The buzzing is kinda worrying though...
dbmzk1 said:
Aye buzzing gone now, someone prob forgot to plug something in :p

Won't be long now :cool: :cool: :cool:

yeh sounded like an amp. lol. can you hear them talking i could for evanescence, they were shouting at amy talking about if she was ready or not lol.
got the stream on my tv through xbmc and looks ok, just waiting for the maiden :) howcome the frate drops whenever they pan the crowd? oo is it starting.....YES IT IS
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