Anyone watching the Download Festival webcast?

dbmzk1 said:
Try using VLC or WMP Classic

Sound on and off during the sound check is normal, happened on most streams throughout the day, don't panic. The buzzing is kinda worrying though...
Same thing internet goes off. :confused:

I can watch the lower speed one just not the higher one, very strange, Maiden look awesome and sound pretty decent considering the crap stream. :p
Awesome, just awesome. I never tire of seeing Maiden live and you can bet I'll be going to Download next year when they headline for a 5th time. Bruce nearly let it slip too, lol. Early days part 2 (or whatever they call it) with the stage set from the World Slavery Tour from 1984-85. I'm excited already!
I loved it at the end when they played "Always look on the bright side of life" on the speakers with everybody singing along :p Top show from Maiden though.
Awesome show by Maiden and by all of the bands this weekend. Couldn't go this year but the webcast made up for it, shame on those bands that didn't allow it, thankfully there weren't that many.

Big thumbs up to Live nation for putting on the webcast :D
RoB- said:
Metallica headlining the saturday and Maiden on Sunday next year I reckon.
Hopefully not Metallica.

Friday: Rammstein
Saturday: Maiden
Sunday: Lamb Of God

Or maybe Cannibal Corpse would be pretty decent as a headliner.
Just got back, was a brilliant weekend for me!

one down point today was no Adam in KSE, the playing of lots of new songs (obvious I know) and the absurd amount of crowd surfers during 'My Last Serenade' didnt actualy hear the song because I spent the entire time chucking people or getting kicked in the head, even howard said... "oh my god" its his fault aswell because he asked for them lol

My Favs of the weekend, in no order:

Machine Head
Lamb Of God
As I lay Dying
Enter Shikari (suprised me, was well impressed)
Jihad said:
Hopefully not Metallica.

Friday: Rammstein
Saturday: Maiden
Sunday: Lamb Of God

Or maybe Cannibal Corpse would be pretty decent as a headliner.

Lol @ Cannibal Corpse, No just no.
Jihad said:
They put up a good show and I doubt they'd get bottled either. ;)

but again, its not headline material.

i expect something like Sikth to headline, that would be awesome.
Jihad said:
Neither is MCR or Linkin.

Yes it is, because its very commercial. Which cannibal is not, not many people know there songs. a lot do, a lot dont, where most people know of linkin park and my chemical romance.
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