AOC u3477Pqu 34-Inch 3440 x 1440 Monitor

This is probably the one im going to go for at that price. I don't need the hardware LUT or Thunderbolt so it seems perfect for me.
Does the hardware LUT make a difference if you have a calibration device and can just calibrate it normally like you would with any other monitor?
wonder what it would be like for photographers

No different to any other sRGB AH-IPS screen. So very good :p

It will be fine out of the box but even better once calibrated and the contrast ratios will be within spec as well unless the reviewer uses a Spyder probe... heh.

This much we can ascertain pretty accurately anyway.

This is probably the one im going to go for at that price. I don't need the hardware LUT or Thunderbolt so it seems perfect for me.
Does the hardware LUT make a difference if you have a calibration device and can just calibrate it normally like you would with any other monitor?

The difference is calibrations will be more accurate still as the display isn't relying on GFX hardware to output via its colour palette. It also means whatever else you connect to the monitor will benefit from the calibration. There's also no need to run an LUT loader since Windows colour profiles for the display need not apply for displays with an onboard LUT.
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Seems almost unbelievable this could be £300 less than the LG 34" model!

I imagine the price of the LG and whatever Dell and others offer will drop if AOC lead the way, just the same as what happened with the 29" 1080p models.

I've only had my Dell U2913WM for about a year, but I might be tempted to upgrade depending on the price. 1080p vertical is a bit limiting at times, and these 34" models are only gonna be 10cm wider and a bit taller.
Free sync or Adaptive sync however you wanna swing it can be achieved on DP 1.2. The only reason why it isnt is down to the monitor itself. DP 1.2 already have the core feature of adaptive sync available, its just not been put into a standard yet which likely means that previous to 1.2a there were no unified way to access the abilities of what adaptive sync is going to offer. AMD only had to flash the firmware of a monitor to make it support their prototype run of Free sync, and that was a monitor with DP 1.2 NOT 1.2a. But ofcourse this doesnt mean that the vendors will roll out firmware updates to their older DP 1.2 models if it means they can just sell you the same monitor with DP 1.2a and a firmware update. Hopefully some hacking of firmware will be possible for some of the current models out there.
Almost makes me want buy a 4k and hope they can somehow update the firmware in the future.

Not exactly sure how you would do that on a monitor though.

Must be patient though, haven't exactly got £500 spare at the moment.
according to AOC customer service this model has been delayed till October now lol.

"Chris, our launch of the U3477Pqu has been delayed until October now. We have not been given specific reasons by R&D and are disappointed but if as you mention if the panel has back light bleed issues (and we will use the same panel as LG) this may be one of the reasons for our delay."
IM guessing the October release date is for us then or that CS guy is useless and doesn't have a clue.

Looks really nice though. Just don't know if I could wait till October lol.

Nevermind...its the same LV343HUPX that's been sold in Asia.
I would love to see this as Freesync compatible, not because I feel it is a vital tech but because a monitor is a long term investment. Most people use monitors for 4+ years and in less than a year DP 1.2a will be standard along with freesync IMHO.
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