Day 68 without a GPU.
Had my update for the 3090 xtreme, 13th to 12th. Guessing someone finally hit the send button on the refund request. I’m holding out so far, I’ve rigged up an elaborate elastic band system to exercise my trigger finger, but its visibly thinner. I’ve found a few activity’s to keep my wrist nimble but it’s taking a strain on other body parts. I made a GPU out of a cardboard box just to fill the void inside my case, hoping it would give me some sort of visual hope. I ran GPUz, it was just habit I couldn’t help it, it was crushing. I found myself considering what COD mobile would look like with ray tracing, my god - I’ve got to keep it together a little longer. I’ve managed to stop moving my mouse and mimicking key presses while watching streamers on you tube, but the need is still there. Maybe I could create a niche video site called game hub, aaagames or fragbang, for those really in need.