Apex Legends BR

New map is good. Enjoying it - Even though it's "bigger" - you never feel that far from the circle.

LOVE the P2020 with the hammerpoint/digital threat sight.....

Good games so far - enjoying it again after I started getting very bored of the old map
New map is good. Enjoying it - Even though it's "bigger" - you never feel that far from the circle.

LOVE the P2020 with the hammerpoint/digital threat sight.....

Good games so far - enjoying it again after I started getting very bored of the old map

There’s been a few games where we’ve had a corner to corner run and not made it. And there’s a bug that in certain areas of the map the first ring appears on land and you can be outside it instantly.
Same, i too have found that people consistantly play solo a lot more than on the old map. Maybe they are using these first few weeks to 'learn' the map and don't care about victory but i'm here to win!
I'm enjoying the fact that I can kill people more regularly again now that I'm back in the bronze league. Gold was too hard for my skillset, especially since I play with randoms.
I'm enjoying the fact that I can kill people more regularly again now that I'm back in the bronze league. Gold was too hard for my skillset, especially since I play with randoms.
We’ve done really well recently in ranked and have been getting top five and top threes quite regularly and moving up the rankings.
Now the PC is back together I'll be getting back on soon. Just awaiting a new shiny today and hopefully will make an appearance over the weekend.

Back to Bronze so I won't be outclassed whoop whoop lol
**Some swearies in video**

Dirty hacker we found earlier tonight. Reported. He was watched by 5 people at one point.

Also reported to Easy anti-cheat too.
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**Some swearies in video**

Dirty hacker we found earlier tonight. Reported. He was watched by 5 people at one point.

Also reported to Easy anti-cheat too.

This makes my son correct, he always says they teleported, i have never seen that ever, at 1 minute he kind of teleports to the side and back again all in a split second and kills the dude behind the cover. wow
Played this for the first time in months tonight. The new map is nice, and it was interesting to see some of the weapon changes (prowler has way more vertical recoil). All in all, still a fun game. Still not gonna play it for the same reason I stopped last time: BR games are always a lot of running around looting with a small bit of action at the end. Tense awesome action, but the ratio just isn't enough for me personally.
Played this for the first time in months tonight. The new map is nice, and it was interesting to see some of the weapon changes (prowler has way more vertical recoil). All in all, still a fun game. Still not gonna play it for the same reason I stopped last time: BR games are always a lot of running around looting with a small bit of action at the end. Tense awesome action, but the ratio just isn't enough for me personally.
you'll be surprised with apex, action can be pretty much from the get go. it's certainly no pubg, i.e. 20 mins of looting only to get popped in the skull the minute you get into combat. jump into the discord some evening, you might enjoy it more with a few of the reprobates that are on quite regular.
This makes my son correct, he always says they teleported, i have never seen that ever, at 1 minute he kind of teleports to the side and back again all in a split second and kills the dude behind the cover. wow
aye, it was definitely funky. i'm guessing the teleport was linked to the aimbot - because it couldn't snap to a target it warped his character to a position where it could then bounced him back again. could be wrong but that was just the impression i got at the time.
you'll be surprised with apex, action can be pretty much from the get go. it's certainly no pubg, i.e. 20 mins of looting only to get popped in the skull the minute you get into combat. jump into the discord some evening, you might enjoy it more with a few of the reprobates that are on quite regular.
Played this for the first time in months tonight. The new map is nice, and it was interesting to see some of the weapon changes (prowler has way more vertical recoil). All in all, still a fun game. Still not gonna play it for the same reason I stopped last time: BR games are always a lot of running around looting with a small bit of action at the end. Tense awesome action, but the ratio just isn't enough for me personally.

You can make a game of Apex as frantic or as quiet (most of the time!) as you like. That’s the beauty of it. We (mostly) play quite tactically by landing somewhere relatively quiet (usually!) and trying to get tooled up. Others like finding a fight asap (it’s a shootin’ game, not a lootin’ game!) but there’s no real fun in having a stock, barrel stab, white helmet, energy ammo, some shotgun shells and no weapon when someone else has a peacekeeper and a blue shield already. That’s why I like looting then shooting. And even sometimes withdrawing from a fight rather than taking them on. Better to be a coward who wins the game than a hero who dies under a hail of bullets two minutes into the game.
And even sometimes withdrawing from a fight rather than taking them on. Better to be a coward who wins the game than a hero who dies under a hail of bullets two minutes into the game.
i think for me this is the 'hook' of the game.....with something like pubg, you either win or lose a close quarters fight(for the most part) whereas with Apex it's much more fluid. you can back out, usually, if you find you're being outgunned/outplayed. the other squad can do the same. throw into the mix other squads can be on you quite quickly if you get bogged down in a firefight (though not as quickly as was the case in kings canyon) and it's a very dynamic game.

unlike other br's, apex can be as combat focussed as you want it to. hell, if someone wants to be in combat for virtually the whole game they can without having to spend 15 minutes traversing the map to find a fight. when solo mode was in i was fighting virtually every minute of the game each and every drop. maybe 1-2 mins at the start to get geared reasonably well, then i just charged in and fought the whole way through (probably explains why i didn't win many solos :p)

what makes apex stand out for me is the respawn. drop hot, get into a fight and die....no issue.....it only takes 1 player to survive as long as he's grabbed their teammates banner there's always the chance of being dropped back in. that is almost a game in itself, even when dead you're still invested in your team if they have your banner. something like pubg i tended to tab out and browse the forums if i died early. unless it was near end game there was no incentive to spectate your team, there is with Apex.
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