Apex Legends BR

aww congrats man - hope it all went well? and hell yea, I'm representing hard :p
Aye well the birth didn't go to plan and baby had to come out the emergency surgical way but all going fine now. So I'm doing all the heavy lifting for a while haha. I'm back at work now too so extra tiredness has kicked in -_- .
Hopefully try and get on and try out this halloween event at some point! (not too hopeful though)
Aye well the birth didn't go to plan and baby had to come out the emergency surgical way but all going fine now.
same as our first, near on 24 hrs in labour before a doctor twigged on that the baby's head was to big for the 'exit door'.....dunno how women do it, i'd still be confined to bed 4 years later!
I'm back at work now too so extra tiredness has kicked in
i'd love to tell you it gets easier......it ******* doesn't. if there's any mention of a second punch yourself repeatedly in the nuts!

solo mode for the new event so might make it easier for you to jump in for a quick game or 2.
Congrats @Mak3R Welcome to the club.

i'd love to tell you it gets easier......it ******* doesn't. if there's any mention of a second punch yourself repeatedly in the nuts!

This ^^^^

Although I get onto Apex now and again, the most fun I've had has been with the guys on OCUK's but if it makes you feel better I have 4 out and 1 in the oven so it's not all doom and gloom and you don't loose all rights to PC gaming.
so i installed this and fancy giving it a shot. is there anything specific i neeed to know. tips etc. to aid me not sucking at this?

Stick close to your team mates at all times, make sure you land with them, not necessarily the same building but certainly very close. Other than that it's mostly common sense FPS stuff, have a shotgun or SMG for close range, an AR for mid range, although on the new map the snipers are more useful than before.

The train going around is stuffed full of Phoenix kits, which restore all health quickly, but that train is usually contested at the drop.

Bangalore is quite a good noob friendly character.
so i installed this and fancy giving it a shot. is there anything specific i neeed to know. tips etc. to aid me not sucking at this?
yea, join the discord and team up with the folk on there. don't play solo queues it's utterly aids....yea you can come across some good random team mates but the vast majority will be a nightmare and playing that way will suck the fun out of the game pretty quickly.
had an absolute blast of an evening last night with @MissChief and Fantasticcg (not sure how to spell it and not sure of his forum name) at least 3 wins and numerous top 5's definitely made it entertaining :D
Knowing when to push and when to withdraw is key.
yea, i really need to stop trying to 'gung ho' it all the time. dunno how many times you pair had to pick me up or play on as a duo. would probably have had at least 2 more wins if i could learn to wind my neck in a a bit!

The hot drop was a particular moment of joy.
i actually forgot about that, the 3 squad wipe with about 20 rounds of ammo between the 3 of us....all happened so fast i didn't even get a chance to record it. there will have been a few of those dudes severely peed off after thinking they were going to steamroll us.
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