Apex Legends BR

I was reading the patch notes last night. Only thing that is a little worrying for someone that dropped the game during season 2. The same legends are the go-to picks due to the size of their hit boxes. So Wrath and lifeline are just still S+ tier picks despite now heading into Season 6. A whole bunch of the patch notes describe how terrible some original legends are and that they need "re-worked" Might persuaded into playing more seeing as big @booyaka is in town.
I was reading the patch notes last night. Only thing that is a little worrying for someone that dropped the game during season 2. The same legends are the go-to picks due to the size of their hit boxes. So Wrath and lifeline are just still S+ tier picks despite now heading into Season 6. A whole bunch of the patch notes describe how terrible some original legends are and that they need "re-worked" Might persuaded into playing more seeing as big @booyaka is in town.
Low profile legends (Wraith, Wattson, Pathfinder, Lifeline & Revenant I think) also now take body damage if you hit their limbs.
Perhaps but the TTK is dropping a little too. Even a Red shield will only be 200 HP now. The last big differences is that all Armor is coming down by 25 health. This means, players with Purple and Gold Armor have 175 health, not 200. Red Armor gets you to 200 health, and you can no longer get to 225.

Also the damage to 'power up' your shield is a wee bit lower too.
Damage to white: 50
Damage to blue: 125
Damage to purple: 250
Damage to red: 500

Interesting to see how the meta plays out. You would expect a lot more long range plinking now that everyone has a shield to charge. Sit and trade shots for a while then disengage and move on.

Wondering which legend to main this season....quite like the look of Rampart but will be impossible to pick for a while. Leaning towards Bloodhound or Loba for a change.
Interesting to see how the meta plays out. You would expect a lot more long range plinking now that everyone has a shield to charge. Sit and trade shots for a while then disengage and move on.

Wondering which legend to main this season....quite like the look of Rampart but will be impossible to pick for a while. Leaning towards Bloodhound or Loba for a change.

I still wish they'd remove shields from loot, it would remove the luck shield kills and rely heavier on skill. So many times I should've won 1v1 but lost out due to shield RNG.
Loving the voice lines for Rampart. Plonkers indeed!

I even like the slightly lower TTK, had a crazy game first time in, five kills and they just kept coming! The new areas are HUGE but have really open sight lines so you can expect a lot of fire fights. I’m liking it at the moment!
I'm liking it too, shame no King's Canyon though.
Rampart seems a flop, nobody picks her and rarely see her out in the field.

The devotion is ridiculous though, that **** needs putting back in care packages.
Spectator bug is annoying, also some weird syringe bug where they just flat-out won't fire off.

Nothing mentioned about the R301 in the notes, but my brain just can't control that gun at range anymore, like the re-coil is super random now, but I know it's not!
Hemlok is my go to now, with a side piece of longbow/triple take, Sentinel needs a buff.

I'll take the new TTK it goes both ways. So easy to just get melted, but enjoying playing with snipers after never touching them, to tink tink the armor up.
Shield swapping early game in fights is kinda painful now though often the enemy will be sitting on white, would be nice to see more shield cells, I always struggle abit there, mainly because of the loot goblins I'm sure!

Crafting is cool though, I had to grab both teammates banners and was on my long way to a beacon when they shouted just craft one :D
We won the game in the end, thanks crafting station!
I'm liking it too, shame no King's Canyon though.
Rampart seems a flop, nobody picks her and rarely see her out in the field.

The devotion is ridiculous though, that **** needs putting back in care packages.
Spectator bug is annoying, also some weird syringe bug where they just flat-out won't fire off.

Nothing mentioned about the R301 in the notes, but my brain just can't control that gun at range anymore, like the re-coil is super random now, but I know it's not!
Hemlok is my go to now, with a side piece of longbow/triple take, Sentinel needs a buff.

I'll take the new TTK it goes both ways. So easy to just get melted, but enjoying playing with snipers after never touching them, to tink tink the armor up.
Shield swapping early game in fights is kinda painful now though often the enemy will be sitting on white, would be nice to see more shield cells, I always struggle abit there, mainly because of the loot goblins I'm sure!

Crafting is cool though, I had to grab both teammates banners and was on my long way to a beacon when they shouted just craft one :D
We won the game in the end, thanks crafting station!
You can’t find any Shield cells because Isenduil keeps picking them up. He had 16 of them last night!
Rampart's kinda fun. Definitely not top tier, but in solo casual she's pretty fun. If you can get into a good position to 3rd party with Sheila setup you can ruin teams...very situation though.
Small patch today:

Addresses the following:

  • Rampart Amped Wall client error in softened gore locales
  • Fix a server error causing immediate disconnects when Rampart puts down a wall
  • Fix an error caused in some instances where a player is on Rampart's turret when it is destroyed
  • Issue around specific Bloodhound skin getting a stretched neck while using Rampart turret. We are still working on this issue for Lifeline's Guardian Angel skin
  • Rampart's "Boom" finisher line from playing across the map
  • Kill stat tracking for R-99 not displaying properly
Additionally, we are publishing a playlist update later today to do the following:

  • Reduce Devotion damage [17 -> 16] , and increases recoil - these are quick changes we can make now, more adjustments to Devotion that take more time to do will come later.
  • Reduce number of Devotions and Turbochargers spawned
  • Reduced number of gold helms, gold backpacks and gold incap shields
We are still looking at tweaks and changes coming in the next few weeks.
They forgot to add "added prediction error to every server" in the patch notes.
Stuttery mess :(
Happy to see the devotion get a tiny slap though.

I'm now a monster that plays Loba in ranked, just for a change.
Quite fun actually, the Q needs some work the animations are way too long, but the Ult is quite handy :)
Twice already I have been verbally assaulted for throwing before we start for playing Loba in ranked....
People sometimes :D
Volt is insane, can melt people in 1 second flat. P20 hammers on standby in case you need a backup gun. Won 2 games last night with this trusty new combo.
I do like the volt also, crafting bench things also help with energy ammo, though it seems more common these days. :)

Dropped a fully legendary devotion from a cargo bot last night, was fun.
Quick question, have Respawn ever come out and said what they think is the problem with the servers? I'd say 95% of the time its fine, then that 1 in 20 of a match its either really laggy or even running in slo-mo...
Quick question, have Respawn ever come out and said what they think is the problem with the servers? I'd say 95% of the time its fine, then that 1 in 20 of a match its either really laggy or even running in slo-mo...

Not seen anything official about it. The slow mo thing, if you can survive the drop, tends to sort itself out as the game progresses. :)
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