Apex Legends BR

Wow TSM switching over to controller. Says it all tbh. If even one of the best has to take advantage of aim assist says it all tbh.
I watch Hal a lot as I'm on through the night and he would swap to controller every now and again.
I mean, I can't aim in the absolute slightest with a controller, I would love nothing more than to chill on the sofa with the xbox and play Apex but nope, I cannot do it.

Who won gdolphn's 1V1 tourney? Hopefully a mouse and keyboard player :p
Oh it was a controller player, meh - but honestly this games biggest issue is the cheaters, I swear I saw Shivs soul leave his body the other day the amount of cheaters he was running into game after game.

I'm stuck Gold 4, so I'm not hitting a cheating problem, more a wtf why can't I hit anything problem. Dropping fragment every match probably don't help.
Im new! I didn't know it was skull town 2.0!
I watch Hal a lot as I'm on through the night and he would swap to controller every now and again.
I mean, I can't aim in the absolute slightest with a controller, I would love nothing more than to chill on the sofa with the xbox and play Apex but nope, I cannot do it.

Who won gdolphn's 1V1 tourney? Hopefully a mouse and keyboard player :p
Oh it was a controller player, meh - but honestly this games biggest issue is the cheaters, I swear I saw Shivs soul leave his body the other day the amount of cheaters he was running into game after game.

I'm stuck Gold 4, so I'm not hitting a cheating problem, more a wtf why can't I hit anything problem. Dropping fragment every match probably don't help.
Im new! I didn't know it was skull town 2.0!
As a player who can use pad and keyboard/mouse I never get this "I can't aim using pad"

It's not as easy but every one can do it but takes many many hours to be decent at it

P.s. I still prefer keyboard and mouse but can hold my own with a pad
Has suddenly everyone become pro Overnight or has the amount of cheating and aimbotting becoming rampant in Apex. Literally getting beamed in casual. Reaching Diamond was easier.
Night-time gaming is like that at the moment. One minute getting matched with level 50 noobs, the next with players with 25k kills.

More random noobness today. A Spaniard who left me downed after trading with the last player of a squad and went on to loot all the bodies. He said he was the best player in APEX and 'Not to worry'. He picked up all the gear, waited for me to expire before taking my level 4 shield, and then continue looting before dying to a 1-clip R99 from a player with no armour.

A Russian Revenant who put down his alt, away from us - then ran from a full enemy squad who used his alt to squad wipe us.
Notice the constant low level champions. Level 5 or 6. Blatent cheaters get banned, come back with new accounts. Rinse repeat. Respawn aint doing squat.
Finally some good news and no it wasn't my imagination that everyone suddenly got better :D

It's not good enough tbh. Is this one guy going to manually ban each person on a one to one basis. It will take forever. Wouldn't it be better to improve your anticheat and punishment system.
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It's always going to be riddled with cheaters, such is the life of a ftp game.
Respawn can't win this battle, some cheats are so ridiculously well hidden from eac that the best they can do is try to be seen as doing something.

The way pubs are now with practically the entire ship hot dropping, it's not the cheaters that spoil the fun it's the terrible loot distribution. Course, cheaters in ranked are soul destroying though.
I was spectating one guy who was firing the wing-man like a smg! Course only 8 bullets but how is that even possible (macro..) still it seemed faster than the guns natural fire rate, nothing surprises me anymore.

I would love (and i'm probably alone on this) if there was 2 drop ships with 30 players each and they approached from opposite sides of the map, spread the players out more, but reduced the time between rounds considerably.

and while we are at it nerf the prowler and make Mozambique and P2020 spawn with the hammer-point hopup, yeah OK maybe that's abit too much :p.
Still, can't say there is another game that I can play for 16 hours straight! (heard the sun came out today?)
Was looking forward to cross play with friends on console but if cheating is rampant then it aint happening. They need to get **** hot on this stuff.

heck id even do like the paypal of old and get a PIN sent to my home address and SMS auth to stop cheats. Its so bloody annoying.
Was looking forward to cross play with friends on console but if cheating is rampant then it aint happening. They need to get **** hot on this stuff.

heck id even do like the paypal of old and get a PIN sent to my home address and SMS auth to stop cheats. Its so bloody annoying.

You will notice it when you get drilled. Last night it was hemlock burst fire can u believe that from a mile away and if you so much peak for a sec he will hit you. I never peaked same angle twice and playing with smokes and still drilled you with minimum LOS. It wasnt just one player it was 2 player who were blatent. I have been on diamond every season and i can tell you not even top end preds could drill u consistently like that.

Its not just the cheating its everything. Everyone virtually using controller now (on pc) even the top end players to take advantage of aimbot aim assist with controller. I played with a player and he was hiding (last one alive) and while we were speccing him, he suddenly flicked on a enemy who ran past him which he clearly couldnt see or have line of sight. I asked him what was that, "oh thats just aim assist, i didnt even mean to target him" its that strong if calibrated correctly. Medium/Close range they will drill you. I for one will never resort to that kind of cheap trick to make up for skill.

Then for rank you have the delight of the teamers, 2 or more teams (6+ people) all working together, collecting loot, protecting one another and even collecting mobile respawn beacons. so they can kill and res one another to guarantee points and then hide until the last 3. Mega sad what people will do get boosted to a rank they dont deserve and cant play. What is the point in that???
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would have been nice if the steam release and cross play was launching with season 6 - guess that's not happening.
So will likely be season 7.

Got my first 2k damage badge, took long enough....Bangalore and channeling my inner Shiv does wonders :D
As nice as a Mastiff is, I do like to get frisky with my double tap EVA.

Wonder if we will get a new map next week.....But hopefully ranked goes back to Kings Canyon.
You will notice it when you get drilled. Last night it was hemlock burst fire can u believe that from a mile away and if you so much peak for a sec he will hit you. I never peaked same angle twice and playing with smokes and still drilled you with minimum LOS. It wasnt just one player it was 2 player who were blatent. I have been on diamond every season and i can tell you not even top end preds could drill u consistently like that.

Its not just the cheating its everything. Everyone virtually using controller now (on pc) even the top end players to take advantage of aimbot aim assist with controller. I played with a player and he was hiding (last one alive) and while we were speccing him, he suddenly flicked on a enemy who ran past him which he clearly couldnt see or have line of sight. I asked him what was that, "oh thats just aim assist, i didnt even mean to target him" its that strong if calibrated correctly. Medium/Close range they will drill you. I for one will never resort to that kind of cheap trick to make up for skill.

Then for rank you have the delight of the teamers, 2 or more teams (6+ people) all working together, collecting loot, protecting one another and even collecting mobile respawn beacons. so they can kill and res one another to guarantee points and then hide until the last 3. Mega sad what people will do get boosted to a rank they dont deserve and cant play. What is the point in that???
Has aim assist got stronger for cross play? It never used to be so bad?
Has aim assist got stronger for cross play? It never used to be so bad?

Aim assist is built into the game. So don't need to wait for cross play. What most people now do. Is stop using mouse keyboard and plug in a controller into their pc and Lazer with low recoil guns. It's sad.
would have been nice if the steam release and cross play was launching with season 6 - guess that's not happening.
So will likely be season 7.

Got my first 2k damage badge, took long enough....Bangalore and channeling my inner Shiv does wonders :D
As nice as a Mastiff is, I do like to get frisky with my double tap EVA.

Wonder if we will get a new map next week.....But hopefully ranked goes back to Kings Canyon.

Doesn't look like it. Aim assist needs gone, soon or the game is going to go down hill. Keep it on for cross play or whatever. But ranked pc play, nope it has no place.
Doesn't look like it. Aim assist needs gone, soon or the game is going to go down hill. Keep it on for cross play or whatever. But ranked pc play, nope it has no place.

Totally agree, it should be turned off for PC there really no excuse tbh. If there is a exploit or cheat then people will abuse it.
fired back up today after 9 months away - OMG your not kidding about the cheaters!!

6 squads left before 1st circle - then got beamed by a G7 scout guy - spectated him 15 kills, aim botting/snapping through walls etc - it was pathetic - the most basic of all cheats it was sooo blatant... embarrassingly so...
6 squads left before 1st circle

Tis the ultimate sign of a bad lobby :( no cheaters today that I've noticed, though I do change the server from London to w/e else.
Ridiculous amount of campers though in pubs, might have to crack open the bloodhound.
Who plays path and sits in a corner..

Really starting to hate caustics, love having one, hate coming across one :p
I think it's national cheat on the London server day today.
That place is just trash, almost every game - never seen anything like it, a cheat must have gone free and in the wild hard.
It's never been this bad.
Back to me old home in Iowa, much better standard of living.
Watched some cheaters upload their play on YouTube and it's sickening. They can see you through the entire map and also if that wasn't enough have a autolock ainbot which will shred you.

Not going to link the footage here as they have cheats linked and advertised. They still have the game sense of a brick. So managed the clap a few of them.

fired back up today after 9 months away - OMG your not kidding about the cheaters!!.

Welcome back mate. Not all of them are cheaters but the latest trend is using console controllers on the pc. Takes advantage of the aim assist which compensates the majority of players with ridiculous aim, particularly close to medium range.
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