Apocalypse - Yes? No?

I don't see that putting a few hundred thousand people in lunar or mars colonies is going to help the billions on the Earth much. You surely can't be suggesting in that just 100 years it will be possible to transplant the entire human race to live comfortably in the hostile environments in the planets in our solar system. (Other star systems are obviously out of the question in that timescale). If however we could live comfortably on other nearby planets, we would also be able to do so on our own fair planet.

I guess that is why I added the parenthesis, optimism.

Look how far we have come in the last 100yrs.
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I wouldn't worry, the world is going to end in 2012 and then Jesus will save us

NB: More chance of a pig developing wings and flying to the outer reaches of space and back
No apocalypse. The earth is over 4 billion years old and humanity shall see 4 billion more.

Fusion power is perpetually a few decades away.

I predict that we will see strong AI, long before we see commercially viable fusion power. :p

Humanity has not already seen 4 billion, Neanderthal can be dated back 600,000–350,000 years, so we are babies compared to the life of this planet.

We have done well so far but the last 100 years we have raped the planet, if every human died tomorrow the planet would go on living along with the animals and insects and sea life.

This is a good site, http://www.poodwaddle.com/clocks3.htm.
Isn't there meant to be some event at Garabandal in the next few days which will declare the date for the great cleansing and make us all convert to Chrstianity?

I wouldn't worry too much about this sort of thing, if some global chatastrophe does happen there's bugger all you, I or OCUK could do about it.

tbh one day the earth will die, once the sun explodes. i dout 4 hoursmen will come and destroy the earth. and if they do OMFG RUN

There'll be five obviously
I don't know, one of the girls in work was saying something about this nun Conchita predicting that there will be an EVENT in the first two weeks of April at Garabandal this year which will make the world believe in Christianity. THe following year, the people who still don't believe will die in the great cleansing, a figure of approximatley two thirds the Earths population will be wiped out.

Unfortunately I wasn't listening too well or I could've taken notes in order to ensure the safety of my eternal soul.
Mass famine or some sort of ecounter other life forms will defienatley have a catastrophic effect on humanity.

I've even heard complete bullpoo about Nibiru and 2012. If anyone actually believes that stuff, then they are mentally handicapped.

I do also think that we are at the earliest stages of evolution even though we may believe we arent. Back in the medieval ages, if you had tried to explain the internet to the smartest man on the planet, they would have thought you are crazy. With that in mind, try to comprihend then that even though we think space colonies are obsured, the fact of thematter is we will discover something beyond our current imagination.

Hear me out, if mankind discovers the workings of atoms, or the smallest material in the universe, we then could literally make anything out 'thin air'. That is what I beleive will happen.

As for a catastrophy, world wide famine seems the only possible explanation, since overpopulation is inevitable. That and revolution. Sooner or later, we'll realise money is the creation of evil, rather then religion. At the end of the day, everything revolves around money and so much corruption happens because of money. Maybe one day people will revolt and freely own the world, rather then 'countries' and 'governments' and we'd have a resource based society rather then monetarian.
If Jesus came to Earth to make the world believe in Christianity, I would listen to what he has to say, then say "Thanks for the info", then ask to be sent straight to hell.
I've forgotten whos theory it was but apprantly we can happily resource 8 billion people to eat properly. Economically and fuel wise it probably wouldnt make sense though
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