Apocalypse - Yes? No?

I dont see why not. I think with new inventions and technology our race will evolve, slowly but surely.

Let's back-track shall we?

You said:

I do also think that we are at the earliest stages of evolution even though we may believe we arent.

You are implying that we are at the 'early' stages of evolution? Wrong, we are the immediate cummulation of it. In that sense we are at the end, although do not misunderstand me: this does not mean we have stopped or are headed in any particular direction. You are right insofar as technology may influence our evolutionary path, but I do doubt it. Technology changes far quicker and is tailored to whatever our particular needs happen to be at the time, then what would allow for a mass genetic change within the human genome.
Theres no scientific evidence. It makes no mathmatical sense. There are 2 theories combined into one, which dont make sense.

Dont beleive it, its very far fetched.

No even if Roland Emmerich tells you? Oh hang on! That's even more of a reason not to!
You are implying that we are at the 'early' stages of evolution? Wrong, we are the immediate cummulation of it. In that sense we are at the end, although do not misunderstand me: this does not mean we have stopped or are headed in any particular direction. You are right insofar as technology may influence our evolutionary path, but I do doubt it. Technology changes far quicker and is tailored to whatever our particular needs happen to be at the time, then what would allow for a mass genetic change within the human genome.

we are now at the peak of evolution, and now are starting to go BACK

my prove????

CHAVS!!!! :D
No, unless some crazy Muslims get a nuke :(

Majority religions of countries by order of number of nukes:

Atheist/Christian Orthodox - Russia
Christian - America
Christian - France
Atheist - China
Christian - UK
Jewish - Israel
Hindu - India
Muslim - Pakistan
Atheist - North Korea

So if any "crazy Muslims" do get their hands on a nuke, then there'll be plenty of other choices of religions to blame for it, given that it certainly isn't the Muslims producing sand holding the bulk of them.
Fusion is a two-edged sword. It has the potential to generate infinite clean energy but it also leads (Laws of Thermodynamics) to an increased heat burden on the atmosphere.
In my opinion there are numerous possible actastrophes waiting for us.
Artificial Intelligence - Emergent AI that takes a dislike to humanity
Asteroid strike - Just look back at Earth's history. The dinosaurs were wiped out after ruling the planet for 160m years by an asteroid strike (some of the latest research essential states that anything over 10kg and not underground (like most mamamals would have been at the time) would have been wiped out by the global heat pulse immediately following the impact) then we're a ******! Especially as we (globally) spend a pittance of looking for potential strike candidates.
Over-population - This will lead inevitably to wars, lots of them.
Global warming - If, as previously mentioned, methane hydrates are released from the deep sea "cold storage" then we'll be in the same predicament as the Permian Extinction and that wiped out 95% of all life on Earth.

Cheery ain't it.

C :)
- Global warming: No but an ice age could cause a severe population shrink
- Ocean acidification: very unlikely. More probable is fresh water reducing the salt levels leading to an ice age - see above.
- Virus: Very probable. Look at what happened after World War One with the flu pandemic that killed more than the war.
- Fossil fuels: Power isn't an issue - it's oil running out that will cause problems and probably death on a large scale due to war.
- Over population:Mother nature will take care of this - see above

I've said it more than once but we need to get off planet sooner rather than later.

Ahh just wikied and it seems i am on about malthus theory. But boserups sounds plausible too. Its obvious that the correct answer is the middle ground....that based on current technology and work force we could feed 8 billion people. But if pushed maybe we could go further.
If Jesus came to Earth to make the world believe in Christianity, I would listen to what he has to say, then say "Thanks for the info", then ask to be sent straight to hell.
If Jesus came to Earth and attempted to identify himself, he would be deemed a crackpot and shunned. God only knows how many times this has been done already -- He could have been and gone 1000 times since his death. People simply don't believe anymore, no matter how Christian they are.
It's been 50 years since we were on the moon, and we've not taken a single step forwards since then... In a hundred years I suspect we might have a base on the moon, but might no have even put a man on mars...

Not strictly true, we haven't really explored our solar system to the extent at which Sci-Fi predicted with manned crafts because there is currently little point. A manned mission to Mars would be a great achievement for mankind but ultimately pointless.
We need to look beyond our solar system for inhabitable planets and space telescope technology has helped us to look in the right direction. The James Webb Telescope (I think it's called) is the next big leap in space exploration and should be launched in about 4-5 years. This is a lot more powerful than Hubble and may even be able to give us information on the atmosheric makeup of planets outside of our solar system. No point heading out there without a map.

Of course, how we get there is still the biggest problem.

If Jesus came to Earth and attempted to identify himself, he would be deemed a crackpot and shunned. God only knows how many times this has been done already -- He could have been and gone 1000 times since his death. People simply don't believe anymore, no matter how Christian they are.

Although I don't believe in Jesus as the son of god, I have a feeling that he would make his presence known in ways other than ranting on a street corner or appearing on tonight with Jonathon Ross :)

A great two part drama by Russell T Davies called The Second Coming is well worth a watch if you haven't seen it already.
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Can anyone here say what is wrong with Geo-Thermal Energy? We live on a molten ball of rock with only a few miles of solid rock from keeping us from being burned to a crisp. Drill a hole into the ground for a few miles, pump water down it, steam produced, job done. I heard there's enough Geo-Thermal energy to last us around 100 million years.
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