Been into a Microsoft store and looked at the Surface 4's, walked across to the Apple store and looked at the iPad Pro. Not sure what I prefer!
I think for browsing and watching videos, the iPad is the better device, but the Surface is more versatile but not as easy to touch navigate as iOS. The Surface also has better storage.
I've got until the end of the week to make my mind up!
Odd question for you iPad Pro owners:
Is anyone having issues with any websites? Particularly responsive sites?
I'm building a website for a client using Wordpress and a responsive theme. He just bought an iPad Pro and apparently there are all sorts of rendering issues on it.
I can't replicate the issues he's describing on any of my devices or on Chrome's device emulator so it does seem like it's just an iPad Pro issue.
I just wanted to see if anyone else was having similar issues.
Still trying to find an apple pencil, .. Did order one online on launch though but not arriving till some time in december.. And they're going for £160 on eBay :/
Was never my intention to scalp but just sold my Apple Pencil for £210. Ridiculous but just can't refuse that sort of profit! Just ordered another and happy to wait.