Apple September Event - 12th September 2023 @ 18:00 BST

I caved and am watching anyway. Nothing better to do. Didn’t they do this Apple saved my life thing last year?

I wish they’d (and by they I mean every company) go back to just issuing a press release / website update the week before “the item” appears in the shops.
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Put a new battery in it :p
Agreed :D iPhone 12Pro new battery refreshed the phone in so much it goes through a day without looking to charge and seems snappier than it was with old battery - that might be wishful thinking. I’ve gone from probably going to swap it when iPhone 15 comes out to really can’t be bothered as the 12Pro is just fine.
I used to think all this spiel about Watch and phone changing lives was all a load of tripe but I love my watch for keeping me active.
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