If I was the judge right now I would not be amused and be demanding that they get dragged over the coals for once again snidely sticking two fingers up at our courts with hiding it off the page.
[–]Poodlemastah 1134 points 2 hours ago (1339|210)
Here's the code that is on the UK version of the site;
var HeroResize=AC.Class({initialize:function(b){this._height=null;this._hero=$(b);
if(typeof window.ontouchstart==="undefined"){this.resizeHero();Event.observe(window,"resize",this.__boundResizeHero)
}},setHeight:function(b){this._height=(b<0)?0:b;return this._height},resizeHero:function(){this.setHeight(parseInt(window.innerHeight||(window.document.documentElement.clientHeight||window.document.body.clientHeight),10)-310);
this.hero().style.height=this.height()+"px"}});Event.onDOMReady(function(){var b=new HeroResize("billboard")
It is there specifically to get the bottom 310px of the website out of view. Independent of screen resolution. This is blatantly just to get the statement out of view from most people.
Here's a screenshot on a 1440p monitor.[1]
It's genius really. Bet whoever showed that in the team meeting got a nice pay rise
I dislike Apple a fair bit, but I think people will start hating Samsung soon if they keep over playing the situation.
IMO it does annoy me that Samsung release the S3 in May/June and then release an improved version just a mere 4/5 months later
It's genius really. Bet whoever showed that in the team meeting got a nice pay rise
What are Samsung over playing? What are they doing? Apple and just being dicks with the judge.
Who said S4? I was talking about the Samsung S3 LTE, isn't an improved version over the original?The S4 is out?!?!? Where?!?!
Who said S4? I was talking about the Samsung S3 LTE, isn't an improved version over the original?
Who said S4? I was talking about the Samsung S3 LTE, isn't an improved version over the original?
Apples first draft was just pure crap, that's for definite. But if Samsung start jumping on the fact that you have to scroll down to see the notice eventually people will get tired with it. I know the internet is already in uproar but when you take a step back the scrolling down isn't that big of a deal.
I should have phrased that a bit more clearly.
If Samsung jump on this too much, even though they haven't at the moment, there is a chance that the public will get annoyed and then they'll get backlash for it.
Oh dear Apple. Saying that, they really are not the only ones. I wish these companies would pay what they should and also the Gov clamp down by closing loop holes.