Hopefully it gets thrown out of court and the patent gets wiped. If that is the case then Apple will have to pay damages for lost sales to Samsung.
So this is what they are trying to suggest is "theirs"
And how about other manufacturers that have used that exact shape before...?
Now aside from this:
Real devices I can think of that look like that before Apple displayed their tablet would include the Hanvon touchpad, displayed a few months before Apple even said they were releasing a tablet...
Any other (legitimate) suggestions for tablets that "look like" iPads that were released beforehand?
EDIT: And then of course we have the MSI tablet
And the Lenovo Lepad
And one by IDC
And another
And another...
Then obviously we have the HP slate
Anyone getting the picture here...?
Yep, all displayed (most as working devices and some with Android) in January 2010, several weeks before the Apple launch of their iPad "first"...
EDIT 2: Looking at those pictures together it just shows how unoriginal everyone has been in the design of their tablets... All produced and shown for the first time yet they all come up with the same design...