Apple vs Samsung, court orders Samsung to show Apple 5 new phones

Thats like blatant abuse of power(power they shouldnt even have). Who do they think are?, making up laws as they see fit and every one obeying like sheep.
I hope all this damages their precious reputation, this patent war stinks of fear of android as a whole
So a small Spanish company can win but Samsung can't? What's up with that.

A Spanish court seeing sense. Maybe their palms weren’t greased enough. At last we can see what they are really about which is bullying and restraint of trade. Hopefully this will be one of many such steps.

German court grants Motorola an injuction against Apple. Details don't seem to be very clear atm. Apple are playing a high risk game here as they are going up against serious players. Apple have to block a whole host of Android handset makers, and probably only certain phones within the range, while only 1 of them(HTC/Samsung/Moto) needs to block the iPhone/iPad and Apples whole business plan falls apart over night.

Hopefully Apple will suffer a few more defeats and call for a truce so that everyone can get back to copying each other to help make better devices!

German court grants Motorola an injuction against Apple. Details don't seem to be very clear atm. Apple are playing a high risk game here as they are going up against serious players. Apple have to block a whole host of Android handset makers, and probably only certain phones within the range, while only 1 of them(HTC/Samsung/Moto) needs to block the iPhone/iPad and Apples whole business plan falls apart over night.

Hopefully Apple will suffer a few more defeats and call for a truce so that everyone can get back to copying each other to help make better devices!

Did Apple go for Motorola? Seems incredibly risky considering they're in the process of being bought up by Google.

That's a very good point though you've made about there being loads of android handsets and manufacturers, but if an injuction is granted against iPhones it'll be big. I know people claim that this is business as usual for companies but you can't deny that Apple seem to be at it far more than anyone else.
Its an injunction by default and pretty dirty from Google (who own these patents now don't they?)

Anyway, they arranged hearings in the US and EU for the same date, Apple have an expensive but small legal team and couldn't represent itself in both places at once so they had a no-show in Germany, meaning the injunction was granted by default as they didn't defend themselves.

Apple will appeal, have a hearing in days, and probably have it over-turned pending trial.
Taking legal action in two locations you know your 'opposition' can't be in to win in one by default is many ticks lower on the moral ladder then Apple have ever dared stoop .
I hope that's a joke or have you forgotten how Apple essentially falsified evidence by photoshopping the size of the Galaxy 10.1 to make it look more like the iPad to win their original case in Germany?

Yep, Apple are saints :D
So basically, Google & co have still won absolutely nothing. I wonder when this will all end.

I know people claim that this is business as usual for companies but you can't deny that Apple seem to be at it far more than anyone else.

Simply put, Apple started this round of patent lawsuits but if they hadn't, Samsung/HTC/Motorola would have. The other companies only used to get into the news if they actually won, when it comes to Apple, every little detail is published as front-page news regardless of facts.
Taking legal action in two locations you know your 'opposition' can't be in to win in one by default is many ticks lower on the moral ladder then Apple have ever dared stoop .

There isnt a rolleyes emote big enough to properly respond to the ignorance displayed here :D
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