Apple vs Samsung, court orders Samsung to show Apple 5 new phones

Does a company as successful and wealthy as Samsung really need to descend to these kind of lame tactics? Samsung should be concentrating on beating Apple in the marketplace where it actually matters, not wasting their time with these lame marketing "stunts".
Does a company as successful and wealthy as Samsung really need to descend to these kind of lame tactics? Samsung should be concentrating on beating Apple in the marketplace where it actually matters, not wasting their time with these lame marketing "stunts".

Indeed, it's a bit sad.
Was it Samsung? I am still :confused: about the whole thing... Can someone point me in the right direction? :p


We know Samsung has an unhealthy obsession with Apple, but this is getting a little weird. This week in Australia, Samsung hired a marketing agency called Tongue to conduct some kind of guerrilla marketing campaign where they sent a bus of protesters to an Apple store and taunted people with the message “WAKE UP.”

It's pretty tragic to be honest, Samsung are going to end up making themselves look absolutely ridiculous if they keep this up. Bizarre.
It's pretty tragic to be honest, Samsung are going to end up making themselves look absolutely ridiculous if they keep this up. Bizarre.

Agreed. Although I am irritated by the pretentious-ness (is that a word?) of Apple culture/ethos and I am also against how they hamstring their devices, Samsung (and others) should let their products do the talking and leave these stunts behind.
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