Apple vs Samsung, court orders Samsung to show Apple 5 new phones

You reckon? considering the different FOV/lens and starting position it looks to me like a lot of thought has been used in creating a different image.
If he wanted to copy it would have been so easy to crouch down on the bridge with the kit lens and wait for the bus to drive past.

It's the same concept.

Deep breath........


deep breath.....


:D :p

OMG, Steve Jobs really would be raging right now with this and everything else regarding android lately :D
LOL so much for Jobs saying before he passed away that he wanted to destroy Android:p. He must be spinning in his grave with this ruling:p
LOL so much for Jobs saying before he passed away that he wanted to destroy Android:p. He must be spinning in his grave with this ruling:p

Nope the Egyptians patented that action when they used to entomb mummies that would often turn, so unless he wants to be sued for infringement... :D
The US patent office needs taken to task on their stupidity. I would also like individuals at the USPO financial affairs looked at TBH (cynical much? :p)

I completely agree. It's laughable the number of patents Apple have been granted that are nothing new, or else something so basic that they should have been rejected. IIrc they patented 'arranging icons in a grid'. It's ludicrous.
why does this make me hate apple more? i know "Every company does this" but not to this level they are literally suing others on bits that were in mobile phones since the frickin start.. who the heck grants those patents needs a good kick in the face.
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