Apple vs Samsung, court orders Samsung to show Apple 5 new phones

If Apple continue to maintain their stratospheric levels of success as a company, practices such as their legal strong-arming are setting an awful precedent for what it takes to be a hugely successful business in the 21st century.
How can zee German court issue a Europe ban in the GalaxyTab 7.7 when the UK court found it to not infringe on crApple's patent/design? Zee German courts are really screwed up to the point where one has to question the Judge's motives. Are they bought and paid for?
How can zee German court issue a Europe ban in the GalaxyTab 7.7 when the UK court found it to not infringe on crApple's patent/design? Zee German courts are really screwed up to the point where one has to question the Judge's motives. Are they bought and paid for?

you know they could well be apple fanboys.. :D they are still just people and at the end of the day we have fanboys for every brand and apple seems to have the strongest ones.. its like religion to some..

Read all off it, apple would rather the "infringing" patents be removed from samsungs phones and has said this is their proffered way forward, rather than patent royalties.

Apple's patents-in-suit are not standard-essential. Samsung doesn't have to pay future royalties or pull products as a result of an injunction if it simply works around them. That's precisely what Apple proposes as the preferred solution at the end of its trial brief

why does this make me hate apple more? i know "Every company does this" but not to this level they are literally suing others on bits that were in mobile phones since the frickin start.. who the heck grants those patents needs a good kick in the face.

Let me guess you missed the part where Samsung is claiming 2.4% of all apple sales for just one FRAND patent.
Samsung is known to have demanded 2.4% of Apple's sales as a royalty for its wireless SEPs. That figure showed up in an Italian court ruling and was mentioned in open court in The Hague, Netherlands, by Apple's Dutch counsel.

you know they could well be apple fanboys.. :D they are still just people and at the end of the day we have fanboys for every brand and apple seems to have the strongest ones.. its like religion to some..
Actually that's pretty much made up in the haters minds. It's very rare to see apple fans going into android threads and just ****ging them off, not so the other way around. If anything there are far more die-hard haters. Why does it matter what people use as long as it fullfill there needs.
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Actually that's pretty much made up in the haters minds. It's very rare to see apple fans going into android threads and just ****ging them off, not so the other way around. If anything there are far more die-hard haters. Why does it matter what people use as long as it fullfill there needs.

Because Apple's actions are constantly stifling the competition. Rather than coming up with innovative ideas or providing a better product, they're trying to gain a monopoly over the smartphone market by patenting all the basic things that a smartphone needs, and many of the things they're patenting weren't even their ideas in the first place.

Their primary focus should be improving their product, not preventing other companies from being competitive which in the end will just negatively impact the experience for the user.
Because Apple's actions are constantly stifling the competition. Rather than coming up with innovative ideas or providing a better product, they're trying to gain a monopoly over the smartphone market by patenting all the basic things that a smartphone needs, and many of the things they're patenting weren't even their ideas in the first place.

Their primary focus should be improving their product, not preventing other companies from being competitive which in the end will just negatively impact the experience for the user.

Now change apple with any company name and you'll be correct. This isnt an apple only case, this is industry at large. They all do it, just seems plenty off you are clueless as apple is in the news and the others aren't. Even when others like Samsung do make it into the article you don't get past the first paragraph or choose to ignore it.

Apple is far from the only ones gaining such patents, look at RIM, Oracle, Microsoft and pretty much every other company.
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Now change apple with any company name and you'll be correct. This isnt an apple only case, this is industry at large. They all do it, just seems plenty off you are clueless as apple is in the news and the others aren't. Even when others like Samsung do make it into the article you don't get past the first paragraph or choose to ignore it.

Apple is far from the only ones gaining such patents, look at RIM, Oracle, Microsoft and pretty much every other company.

That's just not true, prior to Apple getting into this market you did not see this level of animosity between companies in the same arena. You might see one offs between certain companies but you didn't see them taking each other to court in every jurisdiction and trying to get products banned.
It's pretty obvious that Apple are going after Samsung because they are their biggest rival, and it's disgusting to see a design patent that was rightly ridiculed in the UK being used to ban imports in Germany.
That's just not true, prior to Apple getting into this market you did not see this level of animosity between companies in the same arena. You might see one offs between certain companies but you didn't see them taking each other to court in every jurisdiction and trying to get products banned.
It's pretty obvious that Apple are going after Samsung because they are their biggest rival, and it's disgusting to see a design patent that was rightly ridiculed in the UK being used to ban imports in Germany.

yes you did, and apple is absolutely dwarfed by the others, who have literally thousands of patent disputes.
My issue is where Apple constantly state that they just want others to come up with their own ideas and not steal theirs yet Apple are well known to do so themselves. Hell even their leader at the time stated that Apple steals ideas.
My issue is where Apple constantly state that they just want others to come up with their own ideas and not steal theirs yet Apple are well known to do so themselves. Hell even their leader at the time stated that Apple steals ideas.

Impossible when they're patenting generic stuff.
Exactly. This blame for this whole debacle lies as much with the US Patent Office as it does with Apple.

Should Apple really have applied for these patents - NO
Should the USPO have allowed these patents? - NO
Should Apple defend them to increase their market share/profit - ABSOLUTELY.

Christ on a bike, they have "patented" such things as:

  • Selecting phone numbers which form part of an SMS so you can manipulate them e.g. make a call, add to phonebook (I could do this on my Nokia 3210 in 2000)
  • Slide to Unlock (already part of previous devices)
  • Allowing a key to enter more than 1 output dependant on its "state" i.e. pressing the key for a letter or pressing and holding the same key to insert a number/symbol (I could do this on my Nokia 3210) -
  • Pressing a key on the screen to dial a number which results on the number pressed showing in a larger font on the screen (already part of previous devices) -

I would like for the patent people who allowed this to be brought in front of the judges during these cases and asked to explain themselves. Perhaps that's where the whole patent trials should start?
I think Apple have some very good patent officers that get this stuff through. Its not a case of what they patent, but how they do it.

The problem is USPTO can hardly invalidate a bunch of patents and tell Apple to naff off, Apple would then sue them for massive amounts.

All they can do is revise legislation so these sorts of patents cannot be made any more. Apple will then rely on their back catalogue and continue to sue the arse off anyone that comes within 100 miles of doing anything vaguely similar.
It's pathetic.. You don't see car manufacturers suing wash other for stealing Their ideas of round wheels, electric windows and push button ignition...
Just wish Samsung had the financial stability to tell Apple to stop acting like ***** and cease providing Apple with parts for their iDevices... love to see where their nauseatingly named "Retina Display" would be without Samsung making it for them.
It's just another one of those cases that apple raise to make them seem like they come up with anything and everything, this is why I've never owned a single piece of Apple hardware.
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