Make it STOP!
If this IS granted, bye bye world lol
The title of the patent itself is "System and Method for Simplified Control of Electronic Devices," and it explains that "A person may use a wide variety of electronic devices each day, [but] initiating and establishing control of each device may involve a series of complicated unintuitive procedures using separate remote controls." By installing a NFC radio-frequency ID chip into all of its future handsets (presumably beginning with the long-awaited iPhone 5), the phone itself could then control any other local device carrying an RFID chip itself.
[Rather than downloading specific apps*to correspond with the separate devices users wish to control, users could instead simply log-in to wireless or sync with local devices and immediately begin using them through iOS itself. While there are plenty of kinks to work out in any system of this scale, any number of practical applications for home and office use spring to mind immediately.
One of them, of course, involves video games. But the alleged "game controller patent" is just one example of the system's potential application. MCV argues that Apple is most likely planning for third-party applications for the new controller functionality, which would explain why the drawings in the patent look so much like the DualShock.
Other uses, of course, would include using an iPhone or iPad to control an Apple TV -- either for gaming itself or just general viewing. Many iOS games already feature virtual joysticks or game pads (touch-screen version of traditional video game controllers), so Apple may simply choose to leave any development of more robust game controllers to third-party developers entirely, continuing their trend of syncing smartphones and tablets to as many other devices as possible.
It has granted and it's obviously not what you think.
Publication doesn't mean it's been granted.
According to**Free Patents Online Apple has just been granted a patent for a game controller for the Apple TV
Several reports says it's been granted, so I'm assuming it's been granted.
132-page document shows full extent of iPhone's influence on Samsung interface design
Apple succeeded today in getting the entirety of an internal Samsung report comparing the iPhone to its own Galaxy S admitted into evidence. First reported by reported by All Things D, the 132-page document paints a picture of Samsung recognizing superior elements of Apple’s user experience and changes Samsung needed to make in order to improve its own products. In most cases, these "Directions for Improvement" amounted to adding features or details where Apple’s interface was better, and subtracting those things that made Samsung's interface appear complex in comparison. While it's easy now to pick out areas where both iOS and Android engineers borrow from one another for new ideas about functionality, the document shows just how finely Samsung aimed to emulate Apple's user experience in 2010.
Most the Touch Whiz interface looks like the bog standard Android.
The judge didn't allow Samsungs evidence that proved that Apple copied an earlier Sony design. I wonder why?
There's a huge trial going on between Apple and Samsung at the moment. Currently they're arguing over software design influences, and Apple have just got their hands on a large document where Samsung analysed where iOS was superior, and then changed their UI to reflect it.
The Verge have a good page on it all, here:
with apple practically buying patents they didnt actually invent in the first place to prreduce/prevent competition puts the company in a very negative light.. one of the reasons i am reluctant to buy apple products in general.
There is using them for good or using them for evil though
Good being innovating and letting people just get on with it (without taking the ****) or evil being stopping innovation and filling law suits on every man and his dog even though said patents are really sensible...
Admittedly, this story’s real meat is in the possibility Samsung may lose a ton of money to a patent troll powerhouse who relies on Samsung components for products that strangle the tech world into mind share submission. And when I think about it, I don’t like that possibility at all.
Retarded comment. Smiley or no smiley, this is a common practice in law that evidence has to be submitted by a set date so the opposite side can view it and come up with a defense. OnOr the judge has an I device