Apple vs Samsung, court orders Samsung to show Apple 5 new phones


I just Googled "Windows phone" and unless I'm missing something, I fail to see how it's 'very different'. To me it looks basically like most other smart phones - big screen, three buttons at the bottom for home, back, menu, or whatever.

Can you show me a picture of the one you have in mind?

EDIT: Are you referring to the physical design or the UI?

I think he means the UI. It's like metro for windows 8 (brilliant on tablets and phones, counter productive on desktops).
I would never buy an apple product, I hate the way they work and the ethos of the product.

This. I was an Apple fanatic during the 90s when it was the plucky upstart taking on the might of the Wintel behemoth - I had a Mac at home and would loudly proclaim its superiority over a Windows box at any given opportunity.

I guess it was the return of Steve Jobs that was the tipping point for me - he turned the company into the arrogant B.S. machine that is today. As a fanatic, you'd think I'd have been happy about that, but no - somewhere along the line he destroyed something in the ethos of the old Apple that I had found appealing. Maybe I just have an underdog mentality.

I really can't understand the hype around the iPhone - I used my sister-in-law's recently and I've got to say all bias aside I was completely underwhelmed. The screen was pathetically small and it was sluggish in use compared to my lowly Android. I don't like the whole 'Apple knows what's best for you' locked-down nature of iOS either - I'll decide how I want MY phone set up, not some Yank in Cupertino. If I want to rip out the factory-provided SMS module and replace them with something better, then I'll do so. The point being, I can change practically every facet of my Android, if I don't like how it works out of the box.

I'm due an upgrade towards the end of February and there are only two candidates on the shortlist - iOS and Android. Unless the iPhone 5 is something utterly revolutionary - not expecting it to be, as Apple seems content to sit on its laurels knowing that the herd will purchase whatever they put out, like the wet fart that was the 4S - my next phone will either be an SGS3 or the follow-up to the Galaxy Nexus if there's been a new one announced by then.

I just Googled "Windows phone" and unless I'm missing something, I fail to see how it's 'very different'. To me it looks basically like most other smart phones - big screen, three buttons at the bottom for home, back, menu, or whatever.

Can you show me a picture of the one you have in mind?

EDIT: Are you referring to the physical design or the UI?

The UI. MS put a lot of development time into differentiating themselves here. Have a read of this if you're interested.
I hope Steve Jobs is re-animated in 2020 when everyone is using the same souless icon grid simpleton phones, reap the monstrosity of his "vision" to then die painfully from cancer a second time.
Hmm, I was rather hoping it'd all get thrown out and both would be sent away with a good ticking off. Shame.

However it is great to watch Failytech go all mad and rabid over the decision, and some of the comments in here are just priceless.

Would it stop me buying Apple? Nope. I think that the problem lies with the patent being granted rather than Apple slapping people with it. The US patent office needs a massive overhaul - the patent for rounded edges on a rectangular phone in particular is bonkers.

But then if Apple didn't patent it, someone else would have, so we'd still be in this situation.
Hmmm, a jury verdict when the court is a hands throw from Apple HQ and the Jury loaded with silicon valley Gentiles who worship the Lord God Jobs......

Was it ever going to go another way. Each are as bad each other, Apple steal from Sony et al, Samsung steal from Apple.....evolution at work. ;)

All personal bias and likes/dislikes aside, I'd say this pretty much nails it ...
I'm not sure of the wisdom in a trial by jury on a patent case. I would be less than surprised if decisions were made on the basis of 'well I have an iPhone and I like it'...
How different can you make them though?

The reason they all look similar is because they are all touchscreens, so the extent of the design is basically - a screen.

You can have different things on them though. Different buttons, move where the battery indicators etc are, have something other than 'apps' which you run from the main menu (home) screen
But Microsoft surface is fantastic, it is something new. If they release it at the rumoured price they are going to destroy the iPad (which is just a big iPhone really).

At least they shut up all the people that complain that Microsoft are not really innovative. :D
This. I was an Apple fanatic during the 90s when it was the plucky upstart taking on the might of the Wintel behemoth - I had a Mac at home and would loudly proclaim its superiority over a Windows box at any given opportunity.

I guess it was the return of Steve Jobs that was the tipping point for me - he turned the company into the arrogant B.S. machine that is today. As a fanatic, you'd think I'd have been happy about that, but no - somewhere along the line he destroyed something in the ethos of the old Apple that I had found appealing. Maybe I just have an underdog mentality.

I really can't understand the hype around the iPhone - I used my sister-in-law's recently and I've got to say all bias aside I was completely underwhelmed. The screen was pathetically small and it was sluggish in use compared to my lowly Android. I don't like the whole 'Apple knows what's best for you' locked-down nature of iOS either - I'll decide how I want MY phone set up, not some Yank in Cupertino. If I want to rip out the factory-provided SMS module and replace them with something better, then I'll do so. The point being, I can change practically every facet of my Android, if I don't like how it works out of the box.

I'm due an upgrade towards the end of February and there are only two candidates on the shortlist - iOS and Android. Unless the iPhone 5 is something utterly revolutionary - not expecting it to be, as Apple seems content to sit on its laurels knowing that the herd will purchase whatever they put out, like the wet fart that was the 4S - my next phone will either be an SGS3 or the follow-up to the Galaxy Nexus if there's been a new one announced by then.

I have to agree, after using an android based phone (the s3) the 4s just felt so sluggish, locked down and awful to use.
How many times have you had iPhone users asking for help "How do you do ...." such and such and the simple and correct answer being "You can't, it's an iPhone" lol

My father in law recently had his heart and mind set on an iPhone 4S. He isn't the brightest technologically but likes his Google Maps and other services.

It took two minutes to show him how they all integrate in Android for him to change his mind.

People like to chuck around phrases like iSheep and such but most of the time it's simply because people are misinformed or haven't given it much thought.

He's now the proud owner of a GS3 and very happy.
I'd love to see cook back up his claim of apple innovation on the patents in question. Each and every one of them have prior art - as shown by Samsung.
If its not about the money I assume Apple will donate it all to charity then Mr Cook ?

Appeals have already been confirmed. I think Samsung should ditch their legal team and find another.

It is somewhat ironic that the self proclaimed land of the free allows capitalists to ban products, denying the public freedom of choice.
The good news is it won't affect us, Apple know their bullsh•t won't wash here.
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