Aqua Computer Aquaero Owners thread

It does store the configuration so that it can run completely autonomously. You can configure them without the software if you have the version with a screen but it's a bit more fiddly.

The can do an emergency shut down in a couple of ways:
It can present a zero rpm signal to a motherboard fan header so that the motherboard's bios shuts down the PC (when configure to do so).
It has a couple of relay outputs and I believe there is a separately available cable that plugs into the ATX cable so that the Aquaero can basically hold down the power button until the PSU turns off.

Edit: Apparently you need "Plug for relay connector, 3 contacts (for aquaero 5 and 6)" and "aquaero power connect - 24 pin ATX standby power / ATX break"
Cool thats good thanks. I just noticed that it only has a single pwm channel.

I have 8 pwm fans that I don't mind running at the same speed but I also have a pwm pump. Can the pump be controlled on a different header at all, or am I out of luck?

I can't spring for the 6 XT even if I wanted to as this is going in a h440 with no bays for it.
Just a quick reply as I've got to hit the road.
Manuals are here:
Aquaero 5 has power output of up to 19 Watts per channel so check your pump to see if it's under that. It might be just but the Aquaero could get hot - depends how good your ventilation is or if you water cool it. Aquaero 6 can do 30 Watts per channel and all four channels do PWM. There doesn't appear to be a screen less version though.
I went for the 6 due to the comfort of knowing it could run my 18W DDC all day at less than 12V without overheating. I went for the screen because I thought I'd need it - in practice it's useful when Windows isn't working (setup or disaster) and does allow config and display of data if you cannot run Aquasuite. Otherwise it's hidden under my desk. I went touchscreen for the same reason you go GTX980 instead of 97p - you know it's more sensible and cheaper to go for the lower one...but you know you'll always wish you'd got the one you wanted rather than needed. In practice the touchscreen makes very little difference as it uses the same three buttons mostly and four touch buttons along the bottom edge to accelerate entry a little. The remote makes typing sensor names in easier if you cannot use Aquasuite but otherwise unless you're doing a media PC probably isn't that helpful.

I don't have any PWM fans but I'm told you can run them on voltage control (3 pin headers) but sometimes with less range (not go as slow). I've also seen people in the project logs complain that running multiple PWM fans off one channel in PWM mode causes them all to speed up unless you have a PWM amp. You could run the pump off the PWM and the fans on voltage control. Did look at the PowerAdjust but it doesn't do PWM.
Got my MPS 400 installed. Connected via USB (to motherboard) at the moment.
Aquasuite software see's it fine.

I'm trying to get the ae5 to display the flow reading on its LCD and not having much joy unfortunately.

Is this because I need to connect the RPM cable up to Flow1 connection or something?

thanks in advance.
The aquabus provide the most sensor values/ device data from each device.
The aquaero can only use data from other devices when the device is connected via aquabus.

The usb connection for all devices is only for the aquasuite software (display data and setup device).

Well that answers that one - I need the aquabus cablez :rolleyes:

Not sure why the don't just supply one with it instead of the 3pin RPM cable :(
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There are two aquabus cables 3 pin and 4 pin. Only difference is that the 4 pin also carries power (see my previous posts in this thread). A 3 pin aquabus is going to be the same as the rpm cable or a 3 pin fan cable so you can use that. If you don't have the 4 pin cable you need to also connect usb so that it has power. My res is an Aqualis and essentially has an MPS built into the bottom but used as a fill level sensor (with moderate success - it varies with temp despite pressure relief membrane) instead of flow. Using just aquabus it isn't picked up so I've got both cables plugged in. You may only be able to upgrade firmware and change settings via usb anyway so it's probably worth plugging in both at least at first.
Its already configured and setup so I'm really only using the USB connection for power bud.

So do I connect the 3Pin RPM cable to aquabus (on the MPS) and Flow on the AE5? Or is it aquabus > aquabus? - All i'm after is a reading on the Flow display we have on the AE5..... The Flow meter we have on the AE units seem to only point to Flow1 and Flow2 (which is the Fan1 connection)

Not really that concerned with perfect readings - The flow meter is there just to ensure there's no major anomalies occurring - i.e. blockages etc.

4-pin cable order so once it arrives I can use it to replace both the USB and RPM cable which one connection.
Aquabus to aquabus - specifically the High Speed flavour. You can run multiple devices connected to it but you either need a Y-splitter or the Real Time Clock module gives you two high speed ports. You also need to set a unique aquabus ID via USB first or they'll clash.
The flow port is confusingly not for their own flow meters. I think it'll let you plug in 3rd party flow meters that act more like a fan's tacho signal.
I finally got round to reinstalling my a5 pro after it had been in storage for a year. Got it running and updated to the latest firmware. But now fan 2 does not read rpm anymore. Any ideas? On a side note my koolance flow meter has also given up but I can get a signal of of a fan plugged into the flow meter socket so I don't think that is the a5's fault.
I finally got round to reinstalling my a5 pro after it had been in storage for a year. Got it running and updated to the latest firmware. But now fan 2 does not read rpm anymore. Any ideas? On a side note my koolance flow meter has also given up but I can get a signal of of a fan plugged into the flow meter socket so I don't think that is the a5's fault.

Thats what happened to me too interestingly enough mate. One day my koolance flow meter was working fine the next it stopped. I ended up buying one of the new mps ac flow meters and replacing it, which works fine.
Mps 400. Theres tons of config options for it.
If calibrated properly they are as good as flow meters get but i cudnt ba and just used default 13mm config as i use it mainly as a rough indication of the flow rather than a super accurate one. Very nice piece of kit, just remember to get the 4 pin aquabus cable (has to be bought seperate) as the included usb cable will only allow you to config it through aquasuite not link it to the AE5 (thats what the 4pin aquabus cable does as i use it to show the flow on the lcd panel)
MPS 400 beware....
I bought an MPS 400 and then discovered it doesn't show anything below 80 litres per hour which on my D5 requires 85% power which is not what I want - I should have read the details on their website closer :(
Now moving to a high flow USB instead which works with lesser flow rates.
jasonmorris is 100% correct - sorry I neglected to mention that.

I use a DDC 3.2 which I simply ran at minimum 80+ Lph (was just over half way from full power in aquasuite) which was more than enough to keep it nice and quiet (it's still completely inaudible).

I was afraid of that too but it worked out ok - The 200 and 100mps can go lower, but not sure if they will measure correctly pumps at full speed (i.e. if they go over 200lph)....I couldn't find figures on my own DDC 3.2 lol, which is why I plumped for the 400.
Not sure if it helps but my DDC 18W runs about 150l/h at full speed and 85l/h at 8V. I think it's about 75l/h at 7V. That's through EK CPU block, GFX block, 2 QDCs, res, flow sensor, 3x120 rad and 8 Cape Cora rads in parallel. So tubing is 13/10 in most places but 10/8 for the Cora connections.

The flow sensor I'm running is the high flow USB but connected by 4-pin aquabus to an Aquaero 6. It does tick a bit at full speed but it depends how close the case is to your head and whether you'll be running it at full speed as to whether that's a problem. Hope that's of some help.
The High Flow USB ones tick when the flow is faster because they're an impeller that spins with the flow and the sound as it spins through the sensor is sort of a repetitive tick. The other MPS versions are actually differential pressure sensors and don't have the moving parts so they're silent. I believe they have their own issues in that you have to connect with straight fittings and you need an idea of what the flow rate is before you select one but they should be silent.
My high flow is quiet because I tend to run the flow about 80l/h so it doesn't tick as loudly and I've got foam lining the inside of my ancient case (really makes a mockery of my lighting!) which is under the desk so can't hear it. At full speed I can hear the tick...but also the pump. As a baseline, I've no spinning rust, fanless PSU, two internal case and three external rad fans that all run around 800rpm so I'm fairly noise sensitive.
Meant to say that I've read the ticking is louder if the meter isn't mounted flat - which would make sense as the load then isn't central over the bearing.
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