ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

Doh! just realised I downloaded the alpha when I also have beta aswell. That's two separate clients. Had a tiny go on alpha, seems to be some people on chat. But surely I should be playing beta, so that's another hour downloading...
I have to pop out in a bit, but I managed to play for over an hour. So far I am enjoying it, im only level 8 but ive done a fair mix of things, ive grew my own mount,cut some trees down,seen some very big monsters (thankfully someone killed it already) and watched big boats sail past, while im in my own little row boat:D
Runs very smooth with all settings apart from vsync on very high. Game does look nice, nothing mind blowing but good enough. Playing a warrior type class with its usual standard skills like charge etc. Got a couple skill points to use, I could either have a secondary class (maybe defence) or use it to spend on my current skill tree.
Not interested in getting my own home, but I would like my own farm. By the time the game is officially released ill know where to get my own farm plot quickly :)
Played it a bit more managed to get to level 11. Really am enjoying it and im glad I forked out for this game. Also about to start crafting (farming) I should be pretty good at that being from somerset:D
So, logged in and people are 50 already! Jesus... That is quick and has turned me off a little. I will play more tomorrow but I'm only level 10. However, only played a couple of hours.
you guys are gonna be burnt out before release then not want to play when your characters are gone

Ill probably only play till about level 20-30, just so I get a general idea about the game, and know where all the good farm plots are ;)

So, logged in and people are 50 already! Jesus... That is quick and has turned me off a little. I will play more tomorrow but I'm only level 10. However, only played a couple of hours.

Im sure that will be sorted and slowed down a bit. Besides I don't care what level people are. Did they enjoy racing to level 50? me I want to soak up the game and get the most out of it. I bet they haven't done much, have they touched crafting or even done any other zillion things to do in the game?

Edit: also look at other MMos wow for example im sure people got loads of max level builds and still do it again and again ;)
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bakes', in this instance that may not be a great idea. The game only kinda starts at 30 as that is when you start hitting the pvp areas. Great fun getting killed while doing quests or doing the killing. I've had some amazing mini battles in the pvp zones :D

agnes, The levelling slows down a fair bit around 30 too so it's not as fast as you may think. Though if you know what you are doing, you can still level quickly and compared to other mmos, I guess is still pretty fast.

Most importantly though, I honestly wouldn't worry about how fast/slow the levelling is as to be fair, it really doesn't matter. Like I say, once you hit the pvp zones lvl doesn't matter too much as you would generally be fighting people around your lvl anyway. That said, you do get the odd 50 killing lowbies but that is to be expected and people pretty much gang up when they do.
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If this game is in beta does that mean I can just buy the £36.99 pack to start playing now?
Is it just a beta "event" weekend? Or is it open beta until release? Also will there be a char wipe for release?
Ill probably only play till about level 20-30, just so I get a general idea about the game, and know where all the good farm plots are ;)

Im sure that will be sorted and slowed down a bit. Besides I don't care what level people are. Did they enjoy racing to level 50? me I want to soak up the game and get the most out of it. I bet they haven't done much, have they touched crafting or even done any other zillion things to do in the game?

Edit: also look at other MMos wow for example im sure people got loads of max level builds and still do it again and again ;)

Fast levelling really kills an MMO for me. It doesn't do anything to make a game less "grindy". How "grindy" your game is entirely depends on how much else there is to enjoy. How much depth there is.

At the end of the day, what point is there in having levelling at all, if it's blink and you miss it quick to get to the top?

I remember EQ getting to 50 (max) when the game was new took many months. Personally I find that a good thing. Can't race to the top? No problem. Enjoy the lower level content instead.
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