ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

Can't get ArcheAge website to load. Any other way I can go about downloading the client? Do I need to do it through Glyph?

Edit: NVM is up now.
I carnt belive some people on reddit are nearly 50already what's that all about

Its fairly rapid to level, especially if you are someone who was in Alpha and has complete knowledge of all the zones and quests. I'm level 42 myself. Though I levelled fast on purpose to try and offer some protection to guildies against gankers as they level up at their pace
I think i'll just wait till tomorrow to try and play, hopefully things will have calmed down a bit by then. Have it all installed but can't get logged into Glyph and cba sitting here trying all night.
Managed to get into the queue. Still have no idea what class i want to play, i fancied something melee in heavy armor but not sure how good tanky classes are in PvP.
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