Super ****ed at their support. I received half of my gold founders pack on first character after a day and a half, no title or stones. Had spent money on market and lost credits without getting items. Since then rolling on other servers i have not been getting any mail. Recreated chars a few times in hopes of getting it still no mail.
Just queued 5 hours for live support as my tickets still havent been answered only to be told that founders packs only go to first 6 accounts so because i have some deleted chars they would get it. I pointed out they didnt have it when i deleted them, nor does my first char even have the full pack and was told nothing they can do. After about an hour trying to be reasonable and get him to send founders packs to my characters i have now got a 'ticket' escalated apparently, with no ETA on a response. Basically i threw 70 quid away.
What are my options here? Banks wont charge back on a debit card purchase will they? was a visa card. Am i literally just out of pocket for nothing?
Honestly after all the trouble had this weekend i cant believe how shoddy that support was, i honestly thought they would just say 'sorry for all the wait, i will mail you the items now' but instead i basically got told to f off.