ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

love mmos man, always have. I like anything with proper character progression.

Cool. I made a character on Eanna, as a guy I used to play mmo's with has a character there, but the queue is unreal. I'm at position 3299 and have been queued for over an hour. Though I guess it has gone done from 4120 in that time.

I've been getting my mmo fix from Firefall, the last while. It's got some character progression aspects and it's a shooter so win win for me.
Cool. I made a character on Eanna, as a guy I used to play mmo's with has a character there, but the queue is unreal. I'm at position 3299 and have been queued for over an hour. Though I guess it has gone done from 4120 in that time.

I've been getting my mmo fix from Firefall, the last while. It's got some character progression aspects and it's a shooter so win win for me.

battered the life out of GW2, was massively involved in EVE, obviosuly WOW was my first big fix. Also played Conan, SW:TOR, Rift, Tera...played them all lol. Just want one to really fall in love with again. Hoping this will be it, if I ever get a game lol
battered the life out of GW2, was massively involved in EVE, obviosuly WOW was my first big fix. Also played Conan, SW:TOR, Rift, Tera...played them all lol. Just want one to really fall in love with again. Hoping this will be it, if I ever get a game lol

It could be. From what I've seen so far it seems pretty solid, and has some depth to it. Have been trying to work out some builds while it's queued.

I like the idea of a Necro build, but not sure losing stealth from shadowplay would be worth it.

Maybe, Occultism/Vitalism/Shadowplay but then obviously I don't have access to any abilities from Sorcery or Witchcraft. Decisions decisions
always tough trying to work out a build, I had a lvl80 necro build in GW2 which I loved, although, I also had a lvl80 Ele build lol. I've not even looked at the builds for this yet, been busy last few days building my new rig.
went to the toilet was gone for less than 3 minutes, came back to find archeage had crashed to desktop as the window had disappeared...

3000man queue estimated time 1h........

thanks trion! sorry I went for a poop
have a founders account and have been waiting for at least 2 hours so far..still 900th in the queue :P

I reckon it doesn't work (at least for me :()

I would accept queues if they would give me my founders items. But as I potatoes 70 quid for nothing then I guess shorter queues is a start :/
I would accept queues if they would give me my founders items. But as I potatoes 70 quid for nothing then I guess shorter queues is a start :/

I got all my founders items via mail by buying one expand inventory from the marketplace, read that tip from the official forums.
I got all my founders items via mail by buying one expand inventory from the marketplace, read that tip from the official forums.

Bought plenty from marketplace on all chars. That worked on first char to get just my glider and outfit, no other items in that pack, nothing on other chars. Read a couple pages back i posted about my conversation with customer support, i am being royally shafted.

Just tried to log onto kyprosa and have the crazy queue, can get into melisara instantly though
One thing that's bugging me is heavy armour seems to be mostly pointless outside of duels and fights where you know you'll only take physical damage. Almost every forum thread and website recommends cloth even for tanks.
so 3 hours 14 mins in que to find my character has been deleted 'bloomin' tastic!

edit: did a google and it said it might be a sync issue, so i go back to server screen and now have to re-do all that que.
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