ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

So due to the land allocation thing I presume anyone joining late on is limited because they won't be able to get anything?
I am not really gonna bother looking for land until later in to the game, And hopefully plots start disappearing at that point :) and ill have everything i need at that point to build one in theory :D
Seems if you change country to US on the store the packs are quite a bit cheaper in dollars. Silver pack costs £31 instead of £37, gold pack costs ~£62 instead of £75 etc.
GM just killed me for poor language without warning or even messaging me why
the phantoms appearing was basically a lightning strike

Looks pretty deserved to me.

Maybe you shouldn't reply and just ignore them instead :p
Quite impressed with the performance when a lot of people on screen. There's 2 raids of 50 where i am just now and no slow down whatsoever.
Slowly leveling up and enjoying it, feels very much like early Aion and just as dated tbh.

Finding my 'Ebonsong' quite easy to play, basically throw a few riffs and licks about for buffage then just range targets with endless arrows of death :p I'll probably swap out Songcraft for Auramancy when PvP'ing.

I just hope there's not a limit to how many you can have blocked. I've had to hide chat due to the amount of 'Richard Heads' this game has a attracted.
Finally getting a company that do decent maintenance for EU, 3-4am is a good time rather than primetime that other games do (Wildstar).
Just remember big queues atm, they should drop within a few weeks though so stick with it if you enjoy it as it's a brilliant game.
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I think i've had enough for the day but really enjoyed it so far. Probably grab the silver pack from the store tomorrow once they've fixed the patron shenanigans with the maintenance.
my god this is so damn painful. Every server I try and join has me sat around the 3000 mark in the queue. Absolutely ridiculous this is. I wanted to be a patron but noway am I paying that kind of money to sit in queues all day long. I've not even had 1 game yet
my god this is so damn painful. Every server I try and join has me sat around the 3000 mark in the queue. Absolutely ridiculous this is. I wanted to be a patron but noway am I paying that kind of money to sit in queues all day long. I've not even had 1 game yet

You do realise patron gives you priority over F2P in queue right?

Also its a F2P MMO Launch. What did you really expect?
It's annoying even as Patron but end of the day expected it as it's bad during P2P MMO's so F2P will always be worse. Knew it would go this way and expected it so not really bothered, it'll calm down in a few weeks anyway.
You do realise patron gives you priority over F2P in queue right?

Also its a F2P MMO Launch. What did you really expect?

Thats no excuse...there are plenty of other very big f2p online games, none of them had you wait in a 24 hour queue to get a damn game. They must have known the game was going to be this big, yet they choose not to get adequate servers to ease the queue.

And I would go patron, but you still wait in same size queues as a patron so it's a waste of money at present.
It's better this way, if they do to many servers then they will be ghost towns in a few months. It isn't easy doing transfers or merges either as land will be lost which is a big thing.
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