any chance i can hop in your guild mate? need some teamwork, boring questing and not got into crafting yet even. Just really feeling around a build i want to run with..thats when i can get into the flipping game. These queues are driving me insane, not right for paid sub
2 hours later and I'm 875 on kyprosa so consider
kyprosa is moving 250 places per hour.. I'm not logging out all weekend or waking up at 5 am
Did you wake up at 5am the other day or had you stayed on until that time?
The queues are ridiculous right now. There was an hour long queue at 7:30 when I tried getting on.
Makes me wonder why they didn't instance it - worked well for LOTRO.
stayed up
who are you ingame?
Trion should do a surprise server restart at random times everyday that'll get rid of the afkers.