ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

If you had read reddit or archeage forums or something for more than 5 seconds you would see that patron is bugged :p

It was bugged yesterday when I tried to pay. But I received an email about an hour ago saying my payment had gone through, and on checking my account, it said it was now active. I was hoping this meant it was fixed :p
Those just starting to play, dont be put off by the queues to never return again. Once you play and once you get past the grind of levelling up there is a brilliant game here. Get in a good guild and work together.
Im in Dahuta, looking for a OCUK clan also.

Well this sucks, Patron and a queue of 2000+ on Dahuta, guess I'm not playing tonight then. Way to look after your subscribers. :mad:
those of you just starting out just roll on aier or melisara, there is no queue there, or a queue of like 4. Wheras if i queue for kyprosa/dahuta the queue has over 2k each.
those of you just starting out just roll on aier or melisara, there is no queue there, or a queue of like 4. Wheras if i queue for kyprosa/dahuta the queue has over 2k each.

On aier and was in queue for 3 or 4 hours. Just played some dota while I was in the queue though and im in now, so not too bad.
Do you have patron? If not that will be why i guess.

patron makes no difference at all at the moment...none what so ever. its widely discussed on the forums. People have opened two accounts, 1 free 1 patron, joined the same server at the same time and have been placed in the thousands within 50 or so places. Patron makes no difference at the moment.

I'm a patron, was on earlier today, but then logged off because of dinner and family, tried around 8 and joined a 3k strong queue. Patron is a total waste of money at the moment unless they do something to address the AFK warriors and character screen leavers.
Is there one where OCUK people are in on Dahuta? (not necessarily directed at you). Seems like the kinda game it would be beneficial playing with others from the start, it's hard to get your head around everything.

I dont know but im in KDS on Dahuta, guild is split in to 45 man squads, all about team play.
Starting to actually like the graphics however the textures/foliage up close is horrendous. The game its self plays well and seems to be able ot handle a lot of people in the same area!
Surely that's not the games fault but rather the amd app you have installed.

No what I meant is that after waiting in a queue for over 4 hours, I ended up exiting the game as real life called.

I've actually uninstalled the game. As much as I think it is good, the wrong companies are controlling it and will ultimately destroy it, especially trion.
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The game its self plays well and seems to be able ot handle a lot of people in the same area!

This is the key for me - we had a pretty epic fight the other night 2 raids on our side versus 3 on theirs with all the fireworks going off and I never dipped below 20FPS on a GTX570!
This is all Trions fault, if they didn't give patrons only 5 labour when offline but 10 online then people wouldnt feel the need to stay in the game. Anyone with an ounce of brain power would realise this would happen.

f2p players pretty much have to be logged in or they get nothing.

Instead of punishing those afking, how about give equal amounts online and offline. Common sense.
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