ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

Thought I'd try to solo that Sharpwind Mine Elite instance! clearing the trash wasn't too bad as it just took time pulling individual guards. The first boss caused me a few deaths but was promptly defeated along with the second boss however I couldn't beat the last one.

I got quite a bit of XP for the solo part but called in two others for the final showdown which was hard with no tank. The hardest part is managing your mana and I must have chugged down a good 20 bottles!

The first boss dropped me a decent blue bow which was better than the one I had so it worked out rather well in the end :)
Quite enjoying this whole invisible glider bug I've been having :p


Level 40 now, hoping to hit max and then work on the build and gear. It's a proper grind now but the good stuff is to come.

How are you leveling? Just quests? Feel like its slowing down now, 23 atm. Not sure what to use labour on either, almost at 2000.
Quite enjoying this whole invisible glider bug I've been having :p


How are you leveling? Just quests? Feel like its slowing down now, 23 atm. Not sure what to use labour on either, almost at 2000.

Grinding quests, crafting, hereafterstones are about 2k xp for each you craft. It does slow down and it gets tiresome but i just blast through it.

If yo usee any missions that reuire 8-12 kills etc... Press shift+r, tbe invite to raid, means those around you can accept and you share the kills.
Alright thanks, might try hereafter stones. Having trouble finding things to use labor on so I went mining, almost 50% of a level and used 1k labor in 15mins so not too bad.
Alright thanks, might try hereafter stones. Having trouble finding things to use labor on so I went mining, almost 50% of a level and used 1k labor in 15mins so not too bad.

Mining is good, stone is worth a lot at the moment while people are building houses. Plus 3 stone and an item from a general merchant creates a hereafter stone.

If i had the labour i could level up much quicker but creating hereafter stones uses 50 labour each.
Yeah I realised I needed stone which was nice, so I made a few stone bricks out of it for hereafter stone. 2 Labor now though so will get some hereaftors tomorrow. Alteast I've found a use for labor.
This is all Trions fault, if they didn't give patrons only 5 labour when offline but 10 online then people wouldnt feel the need to stay in the game. Anyone with an ounce of brain power would realise this would happen.

f2p players pretty much have to be logged in or they get nothing.

Instead of punishing those afking, how about give equal amounts online and offline. Common sense.

Yep, I agree I think they really need to look at this. There was no need for this game to F2P at all it has the interest to be a sub only game and that would help with the bot situation as if they are proactive they can bleed the farmers by deleting accounts that cost them money rather than F2P accounts with characters named Xtftsgsdg etc.
I'm not so sure it would be as popular with a subscription model, but that's just going from my personal feelings as I would not have played this game at all if it required a sub.

Now I have played it and I am enjoying it I will be spending some money on it this weekend, either with patron status (might just ask a friend with patron to place a house for me, set it so I can use it, and I will pay him the taxes), or credits.

Surely others will have felt the same? I'm sure there would still have been a decent playerbase, but a lot less imo.
Had a go at this last night and wasn't that impressed really, though only played for about an hour and got to level 8 so will give it some more time over the weekend.

Gone for a healer character (as I usually do) and found that you can pick your talent tree's (well the second and 3rd one) which I found quite cool, I'm guessing this means you could technically go full healer with no damage tree's
If they had made this a subscription only game it would never of had the queue problems because being free to play is the main reason so many are trying it. If they had maybe gone the GW2 route of 'Purchase to Play' it might have been a smoother ride for everyone.

In other news, no queue on Melisara, nice :p
There will be a lot of people who will judge it in the first few levels or so. Its understandable but it's also a shame as it really blossoms in late game.

I mean i haven't played an MMO with as much to do as this one.

Battle pets
Non instanced housing, farms, marine farms
Open world PvP
Crafting system
Transport system
Naval combat
Become a pirate and get kicked out of your faction
Big enough guild? Create your own faction

One of the main zones isn't even open yet so we have that to look forward too.

The game thrives on teamwork and guild work. Going alone will soon become a chore. It's also not 100% PvP, when a zone goes to war it's always followed with a few hours of peace where nobody can be attacked.
If they had made this a subscription only game it would never of had the queue problems because being free to play is the main reason so many are trying it. If they had maybe gone the GW2 route of 'Purchase to Play' it might have been a smoother ride for everyone.

In other news, no queue on Melisara, nice :p

yea they need to kick f2p accounts to make way for people who are actually paying to play the game, you know the ones supporting the server costs.

or have a limited number of f2p slots, 80% capacity for patrons and 20% for f2p accounts.

obviously chance this percentage as the servers become less populated but do something or the patrons queueing for 6 hours will go play some other game and only the f2p people who don't spend money will be left.

It really would have made so much more sense to sell the game for £15 and let you play without patron instead of being totally f2p if they aren't going to favour patron accounts when it comes to play slots on the server or kicking f2p people during heavy patron queues.

let's face it if you own a cafe with a limited number of seats/tables but offer free water and you have a queue of paying customers waiting at the door... you are going to ask the people who haven't spent any money to make way.
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There will be a lot of people who will judge it in the first few levels or so. Its understandable but it's also a shame as it really blossoms in late game.

I mean i haven't played an MMO with as much to do as this one.

Battle pets
Non instanced housing, farms, marine farms
Open world PvP
Crafting system
Transport system
Naval combat
Become a pirate and get kicked out of your faction
Big enough guild? Create your own faction

One of the main zones isn't even open yet so we have that to look forward too.

The game thrives on teamwork and guild work. Going alone will soon become a chore. It's also not 100% PvP, when a zone goes to war it's always followed with a few hours of peace where nobody can be attacked.

any chance i can hop in your guild mate? need some teamwork, boring questing and not got into crafting yet even. Just really feeling around a build i want to run with..thats when i can get into the flipping game. These queues are driving me insane, not right for paid sub
Im in Dahuta, looking for a OCUK clan also.

Well this sucks, Patron and a queue of 2000+ on Dahuta, guess I'm not playing tonight then. Way to look after your subscribers. :mad:

pay to not win xD

might actually see about trying to load the game up tonight.... maybe....

been having too much fun on good Ol' Ultima Online this past week to be fair! did a champ spawn, got some drops, did some Doom stuff :D was good, we had 2 groups totally 12 players in Doom last night :)
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