ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

We’ve added three new worlds to our European server list: Nui (EU), Janudar (EU), and Nebe (EU)! These three servers will be on the new Auction House cluster 6 (AH6) and are online and available to play right now: Wednesday, September 24 at 7:15 PM GMT (PDT+7).

Nui it is then !

Race - Nuian
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I'm not sure what to think of the visuals in ArcheAge. They don't look great however I only get about 30-40FPS.

Are you on DirectX 9 or 11? I found having it set at 11 my rig really struggled (i5 2500k & GTX 680) but notching it to 9 with all details at ultra and it runs fine.
Anything placed outside the safe zone is available to be taken, the best bet is to find a hidden spot and plant, then hope nobody takes them.

Also buy grapes off auction house. Personally though if i didn't have a farm i wouldnt bother with trade runs as you will forever be trying to get the mats.

I have to disagree with the part I have highlighted there.

Using just the free public farm in Solzreed you can put down 10 chickens, getting 30 eggs every 40minutes. Then on the AH buy 50 trimmed meat for 50 silver (the price on my server anyway).

Take these 30 eggs and 50 meat, craft a Solzreed Braised Meat trade pack and take it to Sanddeep. The journey takes 16minutes if you go the most direct route (we timed a few routes) and you get 10g.

I make over 100g a day doing these runs. Yes you need a clipper (boat) to get across the sea, but I don't have a clipper and do 10+ of these runs per evening. Ask guildies, friends, people around the shore, etc for a lift.

Easy money. No farm needed. And a hell of a lot of fun when something kicks off (not every run will be smooth, there are pirates out there you know!).
I have to disagree with the part I have highlighted there.

Using just the free public farm in Solzreed you can put down 10 chickens, getting 30 eggs every 40minutes. Then on the AH buy 50 trimmed meat for 50 silver (the price on my server anyway).

Take these 30 eggs and 50 meat, craft a Solzreed Braised Meat trade pack and take it to Sanddeep. The journey takes 16minutes if you go the most direct route (we timed a few routes) and you get 10g.

I make over 100g a day doing these runs. Yes you need a clipper (boat) to get across the sea, but I don't have a clipper and do 10+ of these runs per evening. Ask guildies, friends, people around the shore, etc for a lift.

Easy money. No farm needed. And a hell of a lot of fun when something kicks off (not every run will be smooth, there are pirates out there you know!).

Do you make any xp from that?
I just booted up Glyph which told me the game needed an update of 156mb it then proceeded to update and then download a further 8.59gig ??? :eek:
I got the patch this morning and luckily only had to download 150mb, not sure what went wrong with yours eek?

What class are people playing at the moment? I'm probably going with inquisitor (rage/vitalism/shadow) just because it seems like a fun mix, but in honesty I'd rather go for something a bit more tanky, it's just I really don't like sword and board :(

What classes use spears as primary weapons? And if I want, can I just go to one of the skill guys and change my whole setup?
What class are people playing at the moment? I'm probably going with inquisitor (rage/vitalism/shadow) just because it seems like a fun mix, but in honesty I'd rather go for something a bit more tanky, it's just I really don't like sword and board :(

I'm a blighter. Uses 1h + shield which I know you don't like, but it's basically tanky dps. I already have 30% physical defense and I'm only level 34. Stealth too from the shadowplay tree, it's a fun class. pvp video:
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but in honesty I'd rather go for something a bit more tanky, it's just I really don't like sword and board :(

What classes use spears as primary weapons? And if I want, can I just go to one of the skill guys and change my whole setup?

Problem is that the Defense skill tree is awesome, shields are awesome and you pretty much need to combine the two as a tank. 2 of the best tanks in the game for pvp use Scepter and shield, Skullknight and Dreambreaker, Abolisher is the one that uses sword and shield.
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