I have to disagree with the part I have highlighted there.
Using just the free public farm in Solzreed you can put down 10 chickens, getting 30 eggs every 40minutes. Then on the AH buy 50 trimmed meat for 50 silver (the price on my server anyway).
Take these 30 eggs and 50 meat, craft a Solzreed Braised Meat trade pack and take it to Sanddeep. The journey takes 16minutes if you go the most direct route (we timed a few routes) and you get 10g.
I make over 100g a day doing these runs. Yes you need a clipper (boat) to get across the sea, but I don't have a clipper and do 10+ of these runs per evening. Ask guildies, friends, people around the shore, etc for a lift.
Easy money. No farm needed. And a hell of a lot of fun when something kicks off (not every run will be smooth, there are pirates out there you know!).