ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

hm I had 4k+ queues until I got patron, every queue since then has been under 8 apart from a few hours ago which was 50. I'm on aier though, could be why.
Queues are still the same for me as patron. I even tested by making a second account, I go in at ~2000 right now as both patron and f2p.
The new EU servers have been received, racked, and physically installed! Server imaging is in progress. This is the stage where we install the operating system, Trion Worlds server software, and ArcheAge server software. Server validation follows and is the final step before we can bring the new worlds online and available to players. These new servers will be live by Friday if not before.
The new EU servers have been received, racked, and physically installed! Server imaging is in progress. This is the stage where we install the operating system, Trion Worlds server software, and ArcheAge server software. Server validation follows and is the final step before we can bring the new worlds online and available to players. These new servers will be live by Friday if not before.

Well I'll be definitely starting a fresh toon on a new EU server, anyone else ?
The new afk timer they added last night isn't very long. Every time i go to make a coffee i come back and it's shut the whole game down lol.
Problem is they will abandon the old servers leaving part built houses/farms or houses and farms that are built and have had taxes paid on will just be stopping those who have stayed on the server doing stuff.... They should have had these ready at launch not weeks after go live.
so if you jump server, does that mean you'll loose all progress? I haven't heard of any character transfer yet, only thing that has been said was they are looking into it.
I've just received my new SSD, can I simply copy the game over to it without re-downloading?

If I need to download it again I'll have to wait until the weekend.
Yeah just switch it over, also no queues atm guys. They changed afk timer to 5minutes and all servers are on just the blue up. Went to get a drink, had been kicked but got back in instantly.

anyone else get stuck at the green "splat" login page? Mine just sits there for ages with the HD grinding away. ok , theres no rush to log on with the queues :) but its still a bit annoying.

Have you added the Archeage folder to your virus exclusion list? I think that happens as its trying to scan the massive file.
It seems the small update has caused a lot of connection problems with players getting disconnected randomly and not for the afk timer.
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