ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

arggghhhhhh I don't know what server or race to choose :D

What are those restriction letters against some servers?

Does faction matter when joining guilds?

The restrictions are so you cannot create new characters on the server (basically to stop people from joining already overpopulated servers instead of the new ones).
You got prison time for entering the prison..? Lol

Seems that way lol.

I had a quest to deliver something to the guy outside the prison but i was flying around above it and thought i'd land inside to have a gander and didn't realise i'd get stuck. It put a buff on me for 29 mins stopping me using skills so can't get out.

I logged of as i couldn't be bothered waiting but seems the timer didn't count down while offline and i'm still stuck this morning :p


If the buff doesn't go away in 15mins it looks like i'll have to teleport out as that looks like it still works. [edit - automatically ported me out when the timer ran down :)]
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Gah, was doing the fourth trade mission (the one where you're required to cross the sea) and as I was merrily chugging away in my little row boat, keeping an eye out for red names, someone from my own faction (and 15 levels higher) comes up in a clipper and harpoons me and then kills me and takes my trade pack.

I know all about the joy people get from griefing ect. but I still find same faction kills a really ar$ehoe-ish thing to do :(

And no, I didn't have any guildmates (not guilded) or anyone who could help escort me.
Is there anything to be gained from PVP? I hate meaningless PVP (eve player), I know you can gank people with trade packs, but can they fight back? If not sounds awfully dull.
u can steal the trade pack.

being in a decent guild helps.

i have quite a few stories to tell but the latest douche move we made was to steal someones merchant ship full of packs (10-15) we drove it out to sea and stole all the packs. the guy obviously was not very happy....

i hope the wow new age mmo idiots dont spoil this game even more with moaning until it becomes carebear....
Gah, was doing the fourth trade mission (the one where you're required to cross the sea) and as I was merrily chugging away in my little row boat, keeping an eye out for red names, someone from my own faction (and 15 levels higher) comes up in a clipper and harpoons me and then kills me and takes my trade pack.

I know all about the joy people get from griefing ect. but I still find same faction kills a really ar$ehoe-ish thing to do :(

And no, I didn't have any guildmates (not guilded) or anyone who could help escort me.

it's not briefing it's robbery/
You had a trade pack and he wanted to sell it.
ctrl+f and you can kill your own faction but you get crime points and for 50 crime points you goto a trial and the jury are real players who have done the jury quest.

for first crimes you only get a maximum sentence of around 14 minutes but career criminals are ending up with 300+ minute sentences now and the timer does not count down in prison whilst you are offline.

the game does punish people hard it's upto the player if they want to risk the jail time or not.

some people also want to turn pirate which I think needs 3000 infamy points?
for first crimes you only get a maximum sentence of around 14 minutes but career criminals are ending up with 300+ minute sentences now and the timer does not count down in prison whilst you are offline.

I saw someone get 18 hours odd in jail this morning :eek:
:O :O :O What level do you have to be to go fishing? Is it soloable?
You can start sea fishing around 12k but you won't be able to land any 30k or 37k health fish only the small 18k health ones.

there are a few types of sea fish.
tuna 4g???
sturgeon 5g????
We only fish sailfish and marlins
sailfish are about 7g I think for the small, 15 for the medium
marlins small 7-10g , medium 17-20g , large 35g or so

Sports fishing is like a battle but you only use rod skills, you basically watch the mobs buffs and match the pictures that show, reel in and big reel do damage the rest just stun the fish and stop the 30second de-spawn counter on the fish.

fish are lvl50 mobs so you get 5k+ experience everytime you kill one and the kills count towards the zone wide kill quests (kill 200 mobs in ynsterre etc

you won't catch mediums without 20k+ skill unless you are really lucky but even small marlins are 9gold you just need a small group to split bait costs, about 8k fishing skill and a few clippers to get started that's how we fished for days before someone got a fishing boat., skill up in silent forest on the lake catching cod, electric eels and arowana or buy a few thousand worms and skill up with the normal crappy fishing where you barely break even

yesterday I made over 200gold fishing and only fished for a few hours

You can do it solo but a fishing school only stays for 45minutes after being baited and you would need 2-3 fish to pay for the bait if you were solo.

It's extremely viable with 2-3 guys splitting the bait cost though 1 fish pays for your share of the bait that way and you can usually get 4-5 before the fishing school ends if you're close enough to a port.

fish are like trade packs you have to sell them to the fishing crane things at the docks

like so.
there's some good fishing tutorial videos on youtube

fishing already got nerfed during the beta or alpha or archeage so it's unlikely to get nerfed again and if you can make this much money with 20-30k skill just imagine how much better it is at 90k fishing when I'd imagine you get far less small fish biting and mostly pull in the mediums and large
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NexusK how are you finding the skullknight build - i have a love hate type thing going with mine, following the one on archebuilder at lvl40 i get my arse handed to me in PVP and mobs are taking an absolute age to kill often run out of mana after 2 mobs. Got the lvl 20 sceptor and shield crafted, just doesnt seem to be good.
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