ArcheAge, Ultima Online's rebirth?

After my little same faction death on the fourth trade run yesterday, I went with a couple of friends (one of whom needed the trade run too). The one who'd done it rowed his little row boat across the sea with the two of us in the boat, trade packs on our backs, and stealthed (refreshing the second it wore off).

We saw a couple of clippers on the journey and bricked it everytime, plus some sharks and a level 50 giant jellyfish that attacked us but we sailed into harbour and finally got it done. Was an amazing rush the whole journey.

It is such a shame the game starts out so boring and insipid as it must put sooo many people off. If you give it time to grow it's an amazing experience.
NexusK how are you finding the skullknight build - i have a love hate type thing going with mine, following the one on archebuilder at lvl40 i get my arse handed to me in PVP and mobs are taking an absolute age to kill often run out of mana after 2 mobs. Got the lvl 20 sceptor and shield crafted, just doesnt seem to be good.

Mine is only 34 atm but it's pretty much the same deal. It seems to be one of those classes that don't come into their own until max level and geared.

I ended up playing my abolisher alt instead as it was so boring, could have just swapped Occultism for Battlerage and played the original toon as that but i didn't want to waste money changing gear. It's like night and day, mobs hardly hurt it because of the plate armour, never runs out of mana and it kills way quicker. My plan is to get it to 50 then i'll level up Occultism on it to switch back to Skullknight, i'll probably level Witchcraft too to try it as a Dreambreaker.
I dont want to start changing everything either, maybe we picked the wrong class totally - i always seem to use mana stars a lot, hardly see anyone using them, they do 1 damage in pvp which is useless and at the moment they max out at around 70-90 per star - a lot of kiting around and due to the mana sink i get ganked a lot of the time :(

If i changed now, id need to find plate, new weapons more than likely and my base skills would need resetting :(
That's a silly thing to say. Armour in this game is completely situational but there are some classes that should never wear leather including the ones Knightstalker and i were talking about.
You know the one thing i dont quite get with the skullknight build, is the rotation for killing mobs, spam mana stars and whack all CD's and spam some more, takes an absolute age to get them down - wasnt an issue around lvl 30, but now im lvl 40 its become a lot more annoying. Wonder if i can craft my way to 50 lol - have 5000 labour stocked up should go mining or something.
That's a silly thing to say. Armour in this game is completely situational but there are some classes that should never wear leather including the ones Knightstalker and i were talking about.

If you plan to play PvP properly then plate is garbage regardless of class so he is right.

Levelling fair enough but for PvP nope!
Everytime i enter combat my glider shows up on my back its huge and looks daft, i have set it to last priority in options but still the same.
Anyone heard of a fix for this?
skill up in silent forest on the lake catching cod, electric eels and arowana or buy a few thousand worms and skill up with the normal crappy fishing where you barely break even

I wanted to try fishing so i decided to try fishing at that lake, is there a place that that i can sell the fish at? I caught one but not sure what to do with it.
Everytime i enter combat my glider shows up on my back its huge and looks daft, i have set it to last priority in options but still the same.
Anyone heard of a fix for this?

Ignore didn't read your post correctly. Lol
I played UO for 4 years.

Can someone explain this game to me in less than 100 words? :P

and then say if its worth playing
If you plan to play PvP properly then plate is garbage regardless of class so he is right.

Levelling fair enough but for PvP nope!

If you go back and pick up the thread of the conversation we were discussing leveling Skullknights which wear cloth and i mentioned i had switched to Abolisher in plate for now and would change it to skullknight at 50. Then you both started going on about everyone should wear leather. I think wires just got crossed tbh.
The point is that most people will only be able to afford one decent set of armour therefore if they plan on PVPing then it must be leather irrespective of class. This is really important for people to know before they get to 50. My small group of 10 is rolling groups of 20+ in Hasla because people don't know this and our archers are ripping the cloth apart and the mages the plate.
You know the one thing i dont quite get with the skullknight build, is the rotation for killing mobs, spam mana stars and whack all CD's and spam some more, takes an absolute age to get them down - wasnt an issue around lvl 30, but now im lvl 40 its become a lot more annoying. Wonder if i can craft my way to 50 lol - have 5000 labour stocked up should go mining or something.

5000 labor should get you 2 levels or so, pop a Vocation Tonic for double the XP.

Spears + Crows combo is meant to be good in pvp but crows feel weak to me atm, perhaps it changes at 50. Make sure you're buffing yourself with conversion shield before doing the Shield slam + Bull Rush combo too as you do a lot more damage that way, the combo tool tips are worded really badly. Shrug it off also combos with Boastful Roar meaning you can do high damage with it even without building your stacks to close to 3000.

Typically i was gathering a few mobs, Vicious Implosion to group them together combo'd into Hell Spears > Crows > Conversion Shield > Shield Slam > Bull Rush > kite them a bit using mana stars waiting for cooldowns, throw in the odd Comets boon. But yeah, it's slow going. Just have to remember that our role is to be an a complete pain in the ass in PvP with CC + Interrupts and being hard to kill or pin down rather than damage.
The point is that most people will only be able to afford one decent set of armour therefore if they plan on PVPing then it must be leather irrespective of class. This is really important for people to know before they get to 50. My small group of 10 is rolling groups of 20+ in Hasla because people don't know this and our archers are ripping the cloth apart and the mages the plate.

Again, you are talking about something completely different than we were. I still say it's not absolute. The classes we'll be playing at 50 are Skullknights and will not be wearing leather or plate, we'll be cloth with the defense tree + shield + scepter.
Ok, good luck with that then if you think it will work for you.

On another matter entirely - if anyone wants safe small farm spots in Dahuta then I have 2 in excellent locations if people haven't managed to snag somewhere yet.
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