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14 Dec 2013
That calculator gives me a lot of hope
You picked GIGABYTE Gaming
In your card selection queue number: 25

I ordered at 14.33, and Gibbo mentioned more of these cards are due this coming week in his post before 14.00. Hopefully I'm in that batch, if it still comes :)

Regardless, once I get it I will probably take some time before I can be motivated enough to remove the 980TI from my full loop. Family life and all that.
16 Sep 2014
West Yorkshire
Both 3080 and 3090 have the same boost clock on founders edition but that video is showing significantly lower clocks out of the box compared to the 3080. Quite curious.
Strange isnt it, would like to think its fake but if the same guy was 100% spot on with the 3080 leaked benchmarks then the 3090 no longer looks like an option for me. I best get in the queue of 15,000 and grab another 3080. :p
19 Sep 2020
There wasn't much of a buzz for them before the launch.
A lot of people were just passing them over as a option.
I think people were put off by past cooler issues with the TUF line up.
Seams like ASUS listened to the criticism and got their act together for this release.
Now the reviews are out, the TUF OC is actually a decent card at its price. It runs cooler and is quieter than the FE edition.
17 Sep 2020
Curious if we'll get any updates tomorrow or if we'll have to wait later in the week.
Will be interesting at the end of it all to see how the small sample of statistics stacks up.

Main thing I want atm though is for reviewers to get their hands on the Strix card because the OC vs non-OC is really weird. OC will have 1935 boost in OC and in gaming mode 1905mhz where the non-OC in OC 1725mhz and in gaming 1695 which is under the 1710mhz reference design. I assume because of regular boosting behaviour the non-OC should end up being on par with the OC but its so weird for them to do this and of course if you manually overclock it you should be able to get up to the same boost.

£20 for pretty much a different flashed bios is crazy, wonder how long til someone dumps it and lets all the non-OC version just flash to it.
7 Jan 2010
ASUS TUF - 290
EVGA FTW3 Gaming - 89

Those TUF numbers aren't being calculated right in the spreadsheet. There is an $A29 and $A30 where there should be $A28 and $A29, so they are transposed a row.

The TUF OC is at 290, and the plain TUF is much higher based on the 17.2% total they have in the Pie Chart/2239 currently listed for total on all the days.
6 Jan 2007
@shaan200 - You may want to check the formulae in rows 28 and 29 of the 'Summary' tab. I think they may be referring to the wrong rows. That is why the number of Asus TUFs is so low. Impressive work otherwise though. One feels that maybe this is something OCUK should be providing...

Unfortunately, I suspect the calculator will be a fair bit out because of the timing of the purchases. I think it assumes that purchases for each model are spread evenly over the last four days. I imagine that this would not be the case. Certain models probably only started being purchased in large numbers when the 'ETA' and 'in stock' labels appeared later on in the afternoon of the 17th. For example, I purchased at around 5pm on the 17th. If I were to just take the mix of models sold prior to my purchase, I would estimate that I'm around 500th in the queue. If I look at the mix overall, I would be over 900th in the queue for the card I bought. Therefore, it makes a big difference.
18 Oct 2002
£20 for pretty much a different flashed bios is crazy, wonder how long til someone dumps it and lets all the non-OC version just flash to it.

Traditionally, the Strix OC are binned chips and the non-OC are not.

This usually means that whilst the chips might do the clocks, the temps and the voltage will be higher on the non-OC, clock-for-clock.

Just to repeat in a different way, in the past, the only way to get a binned chip was to buy a Strix OC, all the other Asus cards were not binned.

Hundreds of people got burnt with the previous Strix OC launches (low amounts of stock) and I would assume the low number of orders is due to that, not because the card is crap.
20 Sep 2020
United States
Hey guys, new here, so I made my order for the ASUS TUF OC at 17:41 / 5:41pm, and in the Google Docs Spreadsheet, it says there was 74 known ASUS TUF OC orders on Thursday. I then use the calculator to find my estimated queue position and puts me at 350th in the queue, what is causing such a disparity? Maybe it is taking into account the total queue value and using the percentage of those ordering a certain card but NOT taking into account the day of which it was ordered, just queue position and total percentage? Because the TUF OC got wayyy more orders on Friday than on Thursday, jump from 72 to 254, and then 108 and then 90 for Saturday and Today respectively, probably based on the news that the ASUS TUF OC was a good card coming out end of Thursday all of Friday.. If my theory is correct let me know.
20 Sep 2020
United States
looking at it and thinking further, it does not take into account for the day in which you ordered the card so this thing is inaccurate on that alone unless the order amount is consistent amongst all days for the card or if the vast majority of orders are on Thursday.
17 Sep 2020
Traditionally, the Strix OC are binned chips and the non-OC are not.

This usually means that whilst the chips might do the clocks, the temps and the voltage will be higher on the non-OC, clock-for-clock.

Just to repeat in a different way, in the past, the only way to get a binned chip was to buy a Strix OC, all the other Asus cards were not binned.

Hundreds of people got burnt with the previous Strix OC launches (low amounts of stock) and I would assume the low number of orders is due to that, not because the card is crap.

Yea regret not ordering the OC, grabbed the non-OC since its only £20 difference. Would have hoped the Strix would be better binned than the TUF same time can they even check the bin quality without putting it on a board?
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