Are you a good morning riser?

I struggle to wake up in the morning, but I do set my alarm for 7 and I do not start work until 9 so that gives me plenty of time to have breakfast, be properly groomed and catch the bus for work.
No, I'm awful. For fifteen years I had to get up at 7.30 for school/sixth-form, and I never got used to it - the last day was just as unpleasant as the first, and I was perennially late. Now I'm at Uni and rarely have any early lectures, I have no incentive to get up early so the world before 10am has ceased to exist.

I'm sure I could sort myself out if I were to go to bed earlier, but I lack the willpower to do it more than a couple of days in a row. Part of the problem is that I seriously dislike mornings and find the evenings far more pleasurable. God knows what I'm gonna do when I join the world of full-time work.
Part of the problem is that I seriously dislike mornings and find the evenings far more pleasurable. God knows what I'm gonna do when I join the world of full-time work.

I think that bold bit describes exactly how almost all of the people in the full-time world of work feel :p

You'll be just fine :D
I'm crap in the mornings but I force myself through them.
Early mornings are my worst though, wake up about half 4, get up, shower and suit, pop in to tescos and get a pie and smokes by about 5 oclock, head over to work for six.
Then smoke and coffee.
I struggle at getting up. I usually go to bed around 10:30-12 on college nights, yet I just can't get up at 7am. Usually up by 7:15, maybe 7:30. I use the radio on my alarm clock on full volume but it doesn't help much. If my mum didn't wake me up, I'd be late so much :(
I'm getting worse and worse, i had lectures at 1230 today and woke up at 1300. Sure it doesnt help that i go to bed usually 0330-0430 ish, but i just cant shake out of this stupid student sleeping pattern.

Saying this, i do much prefer being awake late at night and find things much easier to do than in the afternoon etc.
Yes I'd say I'm a morning person.

At the weekend I'm up before 9 even if I haven't gone to bed till about 2am. Week days I'm up at 7 for work and, like everyone, I wake up thinking "Ugh, too early" but I soon snap out of it and don't seem to have the same problem that the lazy student types have :D Sometimes I'm awake thinking "alarm will go off aaaaany second now" though. Depends how tired I was the day before.

I am generally a very light sleeper though. Find it difficult to sleep anywhere other than my own bed etc
I suffer from this too, I desperatley want to get up earlier so I'm not rushed in the morning

Set my alarm for 6 every morning, still end up getting up at 7:30, which leaves me no time for to relax at all

I don't know what it is, I even tried going to bed at 9 at one point thinking I'm not getting enough sleep, that just made it worse :eek: lol

That's probably too much, ideally you would want 2 REM cycles, and each cycles is around 3.5 to 4 hours. so at 9 hours you are half way into the 3rd cycle and waking up from that will feel worst. I tend to sleep these days between 11:30 to 6:40. 7 Hours and it seems to work for me. The alarm goes off at 6:40 and I press snooze which it goes off again at 6:45 at which point I get up and go drop the kids off at the pool then shower, out of the shower by 7:00 and get dress to leave at 7:10 to 7:15 latest.
I'm awful in the mornings. I normally snooze until 7.35 and have to get ready and out the door by 7.40. Its a mad dash to the train station, even a few minutes delay and I miss the train.

Pretty much the same thing except 5mins earlier :)
The problem with train transport is that if you are 1min late for the train, you end up being maybe 30mins late for work (depending on schedules). Whereas people getting to work under their own steam (walk/bike/car) generally speaking know that being a minute late just means they will be a minute late to work, no big deal.
I think I see a pattern developing.

Those who cant get up.... are you all on the computer for hours before going to sleep, most likely at a late hour?

I am shocking! I set my alarm for 8 and often snooze for 4 hours. Snooze alarm every 10 mins. :eek:

I was proud of myself today because I was out of the house at the back of 11. How pathetic!

I also have the issue that when I do get up I can stand in the shower like a zombie for 30-45 minutes. :(

Have you seen the Clocky alarm clock? I keep meaning to buy one of these but I don't have much room for it. It lets you snooze once and then it drives away to a different place each time so you have to get up to find it. Have a Google.
Leave your curtains open a bit - exposure to sunlight releases hormones that 'wake your body up'.

so true, i used to live in a downstairs room when i lived with friends, i had the curtains closed 24/7 so people couldn't see my pc through the window, sometimes i'd wake up at like 3pm!

now i live somewhere else, and leave them open a little, and wake at say 8am, even on a saturday

don't eat or have tea/coffee after say 8pm, it'll stop you from sleeping properly
I am dreadfull. Or I used to be at least. But since starting new job I have to get up at 4:30am and I've found that by doing that everyday (been doing overtime so haven't had a chance to lay in!) it's become a lot easier.

Although I tend to go to bed late some nights, then the following night really early, then the following night really late. etc etc.

But hay works for me ! :)
I'm awful at getting up. Always late... My friend usually comes in and wakes me up in the morning ( Supposed to be ready at 8 when he knocks :p )
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