Are you addicted to buying games on Steam?

It happens every once a while, but its rare i play them, but most games i will in the future, just avoid some of the humble bundles of oldies, i wont play at all
I seem to be addicted to buying games on sale. I'm slowly in the process of re-buying my entire collection just so I no longer have to own the discs...I'm waiting for the Elder Scrolls games to go on sale.
I only buy games I know I will play. Most of the unplayed games tend to be games than came bundled with a game I wanted as it was cheaper than buying it separately.

Have no idea how I managed to play GTA IV for 927hrs :eek:

My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Worth: £2044 (£619 with sales)
  • Games owned: 188
  • Games not played: 54 (29%)
  • Hours on record: 2,165hrs
Not really. I was in the beginning but I've already (intentionally) missed (or as I prefer - ignored) few sales on Steam. I've 169 games and during the course of the last few months I've purchased 3-4 games, no more - Thief (most recent), Banner Saga, Tale of 2 brothers... that's 3 in 3-4 months.
As for Early Access, I nearly went for Prison Architect but after seeing on You Tube (one of Danny O'Dwyer's old Random Encounter shows) I think it'd get frustrated with the micromanagement.

I think I'll leave Steam alone now, at least until Rogue Legacy or Ethan Carter's on a good deal and even then GOG might get there first. :)
What is your Steam account worth?

Here is mine.


It's this bit that's worrying

Although this doesn't include World of Tanks, and the money doesn't include the hundreds I've put into APB and World of Tanks.
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£802, but I've spent under £150 in reality due to sales, competition wins, GPU codes, humble bundles, etc.

Only 402 hours on record in 5 years as well. :p

"Games owned - 76, games not played - 50 (66%)"

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Yeah, these types of threads are popular but we've already got 'em!

What do we learn? The majority of PC gamers own more games than they play.

Join the club! (Or actually, really... try not to!)
£1294 and 8180 hours, although that wont include all the hours I put in before steam started tracking as it tells me I've never played HL2, and I can assure you I have, a lot.

But I may have other problems...

81 games with a total value of

value with sales

VAC Ban In good standing
Community Ban In good standing
Trade Ban In good standing
Status Offline
Status Flags None
Profile creation 6 years ago (September 27, 2008 – 13:35:43 UTC)
Last log off about 10 hours ago (February 19, 2015 – 02:34:09 UTC)
Games owned 81
Games not played 28 (35%)
Games not in store 4
Hours on record 1,742.9h (51.3h last two weeks)
My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Worth: £866 (£205 with sales)
  • Games owned: 82
  • Games not played: 56 (68%)
  • Hours on record: 202.1h

I've only been using Steam for a couple of years. Accumulated all bar about 5 games through bundles (and there are a lot more I've bought that I've not actually added to Steam)

Scribblenauts is my most played, interestingly. Half of that will be my son starting it up and leaving it on for hours (Most of the other half I really did play, though :D)
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