Are you going bald?

I still don't understand why some men are so bothered about going bald. I suppose it has something to do with vanity? Or is it something else?
It probably wouldnt bother me too much, my hair is short but not bald.

My dad went bald in his 20's, im 30, my grandad (my dads dad) when he was alive he was bald

I did however about 6 years ago after I split up with my ex, develop alopecia. The size of a golf ball round the back side of my head, that was a bit embarrasing, as it stood out like a sore thumb, as the rest of my head was hair, and a gold ball sized bald patch smack bang in the middle

Luckily some cream from the doctors helped that back after a month or so.
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I still don't understand why some men are so bothered about going bald. I suppose it has something to do with vanity? Or is it something else?

It could be a mixture of reasons.

Makes you look older.
Less confident.

Imagine having something all your life then suddenly lose it, it can be quite a confidence knocker to some people. Obviously some people bother more about their appearance than others. It bothered me at first but now I don't really care too much, sure I would prefer I had hair. On the upside I save money by shaving my own head :D
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not going bald. healthy head of hear though im 28. my brother is still full headed at 42 but he's starting to go grey which im quite looking forward to. going salt and pepper then turning into a silver fox!
Yes and it doesn't really bother me. I'm 38 and settled in my family life.

It was a bit weird for me as I started noticing a slightly receding hairline at 17 but it only really crept until I decided to start shaving my head at about 30.

It's thinning on top now too but not too obviously.

In a way I'm lucky as my cousins all started heading towards baldness a lot earlier due to my Grandad on my Mum's side.

My Dad's Dad didn't lose his hair and my Dad is hanging onto his.

I guess I got a mix of genes.
No not even a little but if I did I would just shave it all off and have done with it, no point in mucking around!
I've gone bald.

I'll be lying if I said that IF I could wave a magic wand and have hair again, that I wouldn't jump at the chance to do it. That said, the baldness doesn't bother me, and if I had hair, I still would probably shave it ... because I'm beautiful with or without.
My old man (Rear Admiral Sir Fayshun R.N. Rtd) is 88 this year and still has a full head of hair.

It's starting to thin out but not in a baldy way, just less follicles per (Not that I've been counting or anything!)
If they can somehow couple transplants with cloning hair follicles to create a large supply to be transplanted then its the way to go but again years down the line, hence the constant "5-10 years" rhetoric. I read in 2005 that scientists were "confident" a cure would be here in 5-10 years...enough said.

You've just outlined the cures, it hadn't eluded the medical world... the drugs which prevent further loss have a high rate of effectiveness, like most things which have real effects they also have side effects. There is also the transplant solution for lost hair... Medical science had found cures and work is still being done.
Started receding at around 17/18 and my mates used to take the pee. It stopped and hasn't gotten much worse since then and I'm facing 40 this year whilst the same guys are completely bald now haha. I'm thinner on top but if it gets too bad I'll just shave it all off. It looks so much worse when blokes deny it and grow it longer.
I noticed at around 13-14 that it was receding. Nothing drastic but you knew it was coming. So out came the cutters and its been grade 0 since. I had ****** curly hair and Hebrew side burns during my youth so it was such a relief for all the hair to go. Short or no hair is a blessing in the mornings.
26 and a lush head of hair without any signs of thinning or going bald, but if I did I wouldn't care would just shave it off and donate it to wigs for cancer
Might be nice. Would save me over a tenner a month going to the barbers and purchasing wax :p

My hair has not shown any signs of going grey or balding. That doesn't really run in the family either though, to be fair.
Might be nice. Would save me over a tenner a month going to the barbers and purchasing wax :p

My hair has not shown any signs of going grey or balding. That doesn't really run in the family either though, to be fair.

Must be something in the tea we drink m8.
the length between the hair at top of my forehead to my eyebrows has increased but at my current age (22) I've not started losing any hair at the top of the crown. This occurred with my father so I'm still expect it to happen to me!
I had big issues with losing my hair. Was a proper stoner in my teens and didn't cut my hair passed my 17th birthday. It stopped growing at a few inches past my waste after 6 years or so. At 33 it had started to thin, nothing too bad, but I could tell. It actually slowly started to get shorter as it was falling out quicker than it was being replaced. By 36 it was more noticeable - no bald patches yet, but definitely thinner at the top. Then I went into the local co-op and the guy serving at the till was me in 10 years. Long hair with bits of scalp showing through - it was the worst look ever. The next week I took a preemptive strike and it was gone.

Chop day:

On hols a few weeks later:

The sad thing is I was worrying about this almost daily, obsessively for 3 years. It seems ridiculous looking back. Once it becomes an issue, get rid of it! There's nothing to worry about then and you'll probably find most ppl think you look better (or not, but at least you've got nothing left to worry about!).
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Few white/grey hairs & receded by 2cm or so above each eyebrow, I don't really care though. My hair is very thick so in a way it would be nice to lose some.

The worst part is the fact the randomized greys grow faster, so begin to look untidy unless I get it cut often and I don't :(
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