Are you going bald?



lol nick clegg looks the worst :D
Started going grey in my late teens. Got really bad after I turned 19. I'm 21 on Tuesday and I have to dye my hair after every haircut. :( My hair is jet black as well, so white hairs stand out.
Is baldness not meant to be determined by your mum's side? Ie her dad? (I hope so because mine has a full head of hair..)

It's sad that some people struggle with going bald, I don't think I would like it however Im sure I'd cope. (don't really care if I went grey/white!)
Feel sorry for anyone dealing with this and being completely out of your control! I have known a few people who this has bothered a lot and I can't blame them.

Only met a guy last weekend at a wedding who has a stunning girlfriend but had a huge insecurity about his hair. He said he felt intimidated when guys with a decent hairline talk to his girlfriend - I was completely stunned anyone could think this way. He was genuinely jealous I would talk to his girlfriend as my hair was like 'a straight line'. To be fair I didn't pay much attention to his hairline until he emphasized it.
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more going vampire really, i clip at 3/8 once a month, if that stopped looking smart i'd just go full on razor. can't hurt anymore than the face right.
Only 24 but no sign of anything going! Dad is 50 and he's as hairy as he was in his teens! I'm not worrying about it tbh.. If it goes then hey! What can I do about it ;)
My hair has been super thin since I was 16. Shaved it off when I was 19. Now 30 and never looked back! Saved so much time and money. My mates used to tease me when we were out(when I had hair) as it's more noticible someone going bald and trying to hide it rather than someone actually bald/shaved head, as weird as that sounds.
Been losing my hair from the top down for 25 years,love not having hair,less worry about fashion :)

Bald is the way forward.
Losing hair since 22 and hated it :( Pretty much all gone on top now :(

Amazes me how much things have progressed in the medical world yet hairloss still eludes them with the stock response being " we should have something in the next 10 years". Pretty sure people have been hearing that for decades now. :rolleyes:

Eh? There are a range of solutions out there to prevent further loss and/or to replace lost hair if you're really bothered about it.
I'm as bald as I'll get, I just use the trimmer without guard to keep it very short/shaved. It doesn't bother me at all now although when I first noticed it probably ate at me a bit but that was a fair few years ago. I happened to show a workmate a photo of me with hair during the week there and he said I looked better with no hair but then is likely down to what hes used seeing everyday. It probably bothers younger men more Id imagine from a point of view of how they think women see them.

My friend however, hes a completely different kettle of fish, it bothers the life out of him. He had some sort of wig made when he was going bald which failed terribly after a few years and he had to get rid of it which meant it looked like he went really bald overnight. At the time this really upset him and ended up taking time of work etc.. over it. He has only recently started going out without a hat.
I have a full head of thick hair. However I cut my own hair with electric clippers so it has to be cut short and I look bloody awful untill it grows back some so If I do eventually lose it Im royaly screwed :D:(
Started off with comments about a high hairline in my 20's - progressed from there to shorter cuts at the barbers through my early 30's to prevent (hide) the inevitable.......

Now 40 and grade 0 all over once a week with clippers at home. Honestly, it's not that bad and I wouldn't have it any other way now :cool:
Going bald is totally natural for men it's to do with testosterone and inherited genetics, the guys with full flowing hair at the age of 40+ have more pheromones than testosterone so they are more like females and retain their hair.

Love it when baldies try and appease their feelings with the myth that their baldness is a result of how manly they are. Let me guess, bald people are also more virile in bed as well, right?

Unfortunately science says the levels of testosterone have sod all to do with going bald...

Male hormones are involved in causing these changes. The level of the main male hormone, testosterone, is normal in men with baldness. Hair follicles convert testosterone into another hormone called dihydrotestosterone. For reasons that are not clear, affected hair follicles become more sensitive to dihydrotestosterone, which causes the hair follicles to shrink. It is also not clear why different hair follicles are affected at different times to make the balding process gradual.

In short, we don't really know what 'causes' baldness (outside bad genes obviously) but we do know it's not because men who don't suffer from hair loss are 'more like females' due to having some testosterone deficiency.
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I think the people saying they don't care seriously I can picture captain picard attempting a spock eye brow raise....

If you are handsome and got a good shaped head you can easily endure it otherwise hair loss sucks big time well in my opinion.

I wish I started fin and minox treatments when I was 21 but sadly did not until 30 and way too late, my mistake was not starting the treatments before the hair loss.

Catch 21 situation really but if you think you are getting a mature hair line and it will be "fine" or your going tad thin in the front or back then my all means I recommend you get on hair loss treatments like fin(propecia) and minox liquid or foam (foam is better and easier) its not expensive and it can be all bought online also.

The key is there is no cure to hair loss only preservation of keeping what you already have- comes from 5 years on hairloss treatments and no dice.

Although if I had the money I would do a wayne rooney and then get right on fin to make sure I keep that new hair!
Been going bald for 10 years but I've been looking forward to complete baldness ever since I started secondary school and started to get called Screech, sheep and birds nest head :(

Weirdly, the balder I get the bushier my beard gets so it's win win tbh :cool:
Eh? There are a range of solutions out there to prevent further loss and/or to replace lost hair if you're really bothered about it.

Hardly solutions as you're limited in a lot of ways, some drugs CAN help you retain your hair but their effectiveness varies literally on a person to person basis, and some have some pretty odd side effects.

Replacing lost hair is going down the transplant route and you're again restricted to the hair you have left to try and replace what's already gone, you can get decent coverage but depending on your hair density in the first place it limits the amount of donor follicles, and if your hair is pretty far gone a transplant will only make a pretty limited difference for a significant outlay.

If they can somehow couple transplants with cloning hair follicles to create a large supply to be transplanted then its the way to go but again years down the line, hence the constant "5-10 years" rhetoric. I read in 2005 that scientists were "confident" a cure would be here in 5-10 years...enough said.
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Is baldness not meant to be determined by your mum's side? Ie her dad? (I hope so because mine has a full head of hair..)

It's sad that some people struggle with going bald, I don't think I would like it however Im sure I'd cope. (don't really care if I went grey/white!)

IIRC Male pattern baldness is carried on the female side, so look at your mum's dad.

My Maternal Granddad had that rim of hair like an excessive tonsure.

Me? I look like Sonic the Bagder. :D
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