Are you working over Christmas?

I work a continuous nightshift rota for a well known large retailer in their distribution centre and over this coming festive period I am scheduled to be off on the 24th, 25th, 26th.

However industrial action is looming which could mean I am off over ten days instead - here's hoping!

Lucky you being off. I heard about the industrial action on the news recently. I'm assuming you work for the green or blue retailer :p

Hope you get the additional time off and/or payrise. Hopefully cost wont, but will be, passed on to us. Also hope we can continue to panic buy as usual for a one-day shop closure :D
I’ve booked between Christmas and new year off again. Work is like a morgue in between then anyway as all our customers are in skeleton staff and our suppliers are off.
Those were the days, I didn’t work Christmas Eve, nor Christmas Day, but with £4 extra on every hiring and the meter on Rate 3 on Boxing Day, I’d do 5 or 6 hours on the 26th and buy a case of Piper Heidsieck for New Year’s Eve :D
In a strange quirk of fate it looks like I've gone from working all but Christmas day and New Years day to having 21-25th off, back in 26th but double time + unsociable hours uplift so there is that, then off again until the 2nd. (Might have to do the odd day in there somewhere depending on how things work out). Not exactly sure details but a colleague somehow stuffed up their holiday allowance and the only way they can square it is to have him take some of my shifts and have me take it as holiday - which I don't mind.

Just hoping nothing comes up to spoil it now.
Last day in is 24th, then back 4th Jan theoretically. However, currently on secondment and key members of both new and old teams have left the business - no, not because of me! Half expecting to be asked to cancel my leave at the last minute even though I covered Christmas last year, but fingers crossed as I am looking forward to a break.
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Finish on the 23rd, back in on the 10th. I'm making the most of a new job at a university, that would have been impossible for me to book
off in my previous role!
What do you do, if you don't mind me asking?
I run IT support teams for a bank (trading platforms, not desktop support). We have to make sure there is enough management coverage throughout the period. My manager had dibs on holiday this year so I couldn't book it as there wouldn't be enough coverage. But they made him, and some others, redundant a couple of weeks ago so I might see if I can book a few days. Afterall they can't use the excuse of me not being off at the same time as him anymore, despite there being fewer management in the area now.
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