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Arion Benchmark - Test your Hardware

25 Nov 2011

Thats a lot of searching you done. I only just started to post in these type of bench threads. Tbh I see no point in them when people posting overclock results reason you see only stock results from me apart from one run other day.
I think all these bench threads should have a stock selection To show real world results. Let's be honest what good is it for someone wanting to see how a game performs when the GPUs are highly overclocked it's not something everyone does.
19 Oct 2008

3770K @ 4.1
16GB ram @ 1600mhz
Single 780 ti superclock @ stock 980
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Thats a lot of searching you done. I only just started to post in these type of bench threads. Tbh I see no point in them when people posting overclock results reason you see only stock results from me apart from one run other day.
I think all these bench threads should have a stock selection To show real world results. Let's be honest what good is it for someone wanting to see how a game performs when the GPUs are highly overclocked it's not something everyone does.

Yes but you miss the point. You was calling out people for not benching in the OpenCL thread but you are not doing them yourselves. It looks like trolling to me (and the same as your comment in the OpenCL thread). As for benching, people like to push their hardware to the max and hope it passes the test. If it does, that can be as much a buzz as getting a killstreak in BF4 or completing a tough mission in another game. Just because you don't see the point, it doesn't mean others don't and many (including me) enjoy benching and that is their choice.

I wouldn't have brought this up if you hadn't of baited people ;)
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