Arizona nine-year old in Uzi gun lesson accident

7 Dec 2012
Americans have a sado masochistic attachment to guns. I remember after the Sandyhook school shooting, Obama promised to try and tighten up some of the gun laws. He tried several things including making clip sizes smaller for semi automatic weapons and Congress blocked everything he put forward. Idiots. Things aren't helped by the NRA spewing out their propaganda and lobbying politicians to make sure nothing changes.

They (NRA) have to take a strong line, because as soon as they start to give ground, it will accelerate. So they take a ridiculous stance on some issues (suggesting teachers be armed after school shootings, for example)
14 Nov 2007
In the Land of Grey and Pink
Just watched the video to this (they only show up to the point of the guy getting shot) and the girl doesn't look big or strong enough to hold and shoot a water pistol, never mind a 1200 RPM fully automatic machine-pistol.

What was going through the parents/instructors heads to allow this truly boggles my mind.
27 Dec 2011
They (NRA) have to take a strong line, because as soon as they start to give ground, it will accelerate. So they take a ridiculous stance on some issues (suggesting teachers be armed after school shootings, for example)

Yeah I know. They're morons though. They think the answer to the gun problem is more guns. In the UK we might have 65 gun deaths in a typical year, in America it's about 30,000 in total, including suicides and police shootings. The second amendment was great when it was drawn up back in 1791, but it's not 1791 anymore, it's 2014 and every thing has changed apart from the second amendment.
26 Dec 2003
Will Obama be making a speech on how uncivilised his country is or are those criticismss exclusively for their Middle Eastern enemies?
18 Oct 2002
Although the idiocy of a 9 year old girl shooting the weapon is beyond me it would have to be said that the instructor would have to be at fault here.
She fired the first shot and he was supporting just behind her shoulder as she did, the video cuts but I imagine she let rip and he didn't/couldn't support her. Given her size and the power of the weapon he should have been right in there taking the force as it was quite obviously she wasn't going to, if he was worried he shouldn't have let her fire it on full auto.

Poor girl has to live with his mistake now.
17 May 2004
RIP to the guy. But at least she was trying to learn hot to shot. I bet it was a faulty gun\switch.

What? A faulty gun? Everyone should know that the recoil on something like an uzi, a gun that fires 600 rounds per minute, is absolutely crazy, so who in their right mind would let a 9-year old attempt to fire one, regardless of how controlled an environment you think they're in? Not only did it kill her instructor, it also posed a significant risk to the girl when she fired it. I'm not sure how anyone could blame it on a faulty weapon. The fact is, she shouldn't have been given such a difficult weapon to fire in the first place. This is such a sad story, and that poor girl will likely be emotionally scarred for life from this event. Stupid parents, stupid instructor, stupid gun laws.
29 Mar 2007
Gravesend, Kent
I've got to say, being born in Texas, and having lived around guns all my life, at least until I moved to the UK. There's absolutely nothing wrong with them. I was a JNRA member at the age of seven, and a full member at the age of 12. I've never shot anyone, and I've never come close to shooting anyone. I've never seen anyone get hurt from a firearm, full stop.

I know I'm going to get flamed here, but accidents happen. I'm sick and tired of people from other cultures judging mine. Unless you grow up around that lifestyle, then of course it will seem strange to you.

And about overturning the Second Amendment - that will never happen. It's very hard to amend the Constitution, and besides, with the police looking more like Stormtroopers, I'm not certain that disarming the population in a good idea...
29 Jan 2008
I don't have an issue with them say teaching a kid to fire a rifle when supervised - weapon pointing down the range at all times, adult instructor next to them etc..etc..... but a handgun, uzi etc... its far too dangerous
6 Oct 2004
Although the idiocy of a 9 year old girl shooting the weapon is beyond me it would have to be said that the instructor would have to be at fault here.

...along with the girl's parents, and the laws (or lack thereof) which allow 9 year olds access to automatic weapons...

For a country that has such a high level of support for creationism, they're certainly doing a lot to prove evolution/natural selection :p

I'd like to clarify that I have nothing against teaching "kids" (of an appropriate age) to handle (appropriate) weapons and shoot responsibly and safely, I was brought up shooting air rifles/pistols from a relatively young age (my neighbour had an awesome revolver :p)
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27 Dec 2011
I've got to say, being born in Texas, and having lived around guns all my life, at least until I moved to the UK. There's absolutely nothing wrong with them. I was a JNRA member at the age of seven, and a full member at the age of 12. I've never shot anyone, and I've never come close to shooting anyone. I've never seen anyone get hurt from a firearm, full stop.

I know I'm going to get flamed here, but accidents happen. I'm sick and tired of people from other cultures judging mine. Unless you grow up around that lifestyle, then of course it will seem strange to you.

And about overturning the Second Amendment - that will never happen. It's very hard to amend the Constitution, and besides, with the police looking more like Stormtroopers, I'm not certain that disarming the population in a good idea...

Well you can't get away from the statistics. 30,000 killed a year compared to 65 here in the UK. You might be sick and tired of hearing people like me, criticise the US over it's gun laws, but I can assure you, it's nothing compared to how sick and tired the victims families are and the rest of us, every time we see YET ANOTHER senseless death.
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18 Oct 2002
Not the first time this has happened in the US with the Uzi. There was a 8 year old boy in 2008 who lost control of an Uzi at a gun show and shot himself in the head. You'd think people would learn.
15 May 2010
Out of Coventry
Yeah I know. They're morons though. They think the answer to the gun problem is more guns. In the UK we might have 65 gun deaths in a typical year, in America it's about 30,000 in total, including suicides and police shootings. The second amendment was great when it was drawn up back in 1791, but it's not 1791 anymore, it's 2014 and every thing has changed apart from the second amendment.


I've got to say, being born in Texas, and having lived around guns all my life, at least until I moved to the UK. There's absolutely nothing wrong with them. I was a JNRA member at the age of seven, and a full member at the age of 12. I've never shot anyone, and I've never come close to shooting anyone. I've never seen anyone get hurt from a firearm, full stop.

I know I'm going to get flamed here, but accidents happen. I'm sick and tired of people from other cultures judging mine. Unless you grow up around that lifestyle, then of course it will seem strange to you.

And about overturning the Second Amendment - that will never happen. It's very hard to amend the Constitution, and besides, with the police looking more like Stormtroopers, I'm not certain that disarming the population in a good idea...

You don't trust the American police force, to the extent that you think guns are needed to attack them?

The stats in the quoted post above highlight the ignorance of your (and from what it seems, the majority of the American public position), that people don't get hurt from firearms except in extreme circumstance.
Scale up the UKs firearm deaths as per our populations, and you get 50 times more deaths. Thats a large amount of extreme circumstances.

17 Aug 2004
RIP to the guy. But at least she was trying to learn hot to shot. I bet it was a faulty gun\switch.

Lol yep it's important for your kid to be able to handle an UZI at a young age, just like buying bigger shoes as she'll just grow into it!

And a faulty gun/switch??? again lol more like it was her **** weak 9 year old girl arms not being beefy enough to hold back the torrent of 9mm slugs flying out the bad end of the weapon.

America land of the free and home of the stu stu stupid......
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