Ark: Survival Evolved - Dinosaur MMO/Survival PVP funz!

Had my first Deathworm experience, holy crap! talk about a **** your pants thing to come up against

My brother's been nplaying this and enjoying it, but is quite annoyed at the change in tribe logs last week to remove the information about who has destroyed structures.

Mainly because since that change the number of attacks on bases has massively increased, and it means everyone is having to put more and more active defences in (my suggestion is a generator next to two to four turrets and dodo's - anyone taking out the genny kills the dodo's and should appear on the log).
Thanks Nathan for the kind words, Hope all is well ;)

We have spent several weeks preparing the new server ; I'm actually surprised how many players are coming back from our old Ark, must be those strix 1080's we sent them :D

you know where we are if you ever fancy a fresh challenge..


Andromeda PVE Cluster

Andromeda was a well supported and looked after server when we played on it in its last incarnation. If anyone is looking for a good solid PVE server with active admins and a very friendly community then you wont go far wrong here.
I only wish I hadn't pumped countless hours in to SE on another server or I'd be joining you again.

Good luck Ed
Is anyone still playing this? Apparently there was a patch recently that allows you to transfer your characters between any servers or at least PvP to any PvP etc I did log in a few months ago not realising you couldn't do this (or I misread something that was to do with Scorched Earth) and don't fancy starting a character from scratch again but also know its slow going whilst solo. I was on a PvP server so that limits my options but if anyone is playing on a PvP still let me know.
How come this game runs so poorly? Is it just terrible coding by the developer? Have they admitted it runs badly and will try and optimize it?
Their optimising it in every patch in drips, still a EA game and great fun with the right crowd.

The game itself still has lots of bugs and graphical issues even on the best of machines, the content is coming in thick both from WC and Community mod developers.

Wildcard seem to be very focused on the xbox and PS4 atm, I guess this is the only way they can expand on their revenue streams given the current state of development.

whether the final product will be polished smooth release title well that remains to be seen, personally I don't believe it will, perhaps borderline acceptable.

Incredibly good fun though a game you love and hate at the same time, the creative element is very good with the right community mods. 1400+ hours on record so has been a worthwhile purchase for me.

Tek Tier coming in Jan17


How come this game runs so poorly? Is it just terrible coding by the developer? Have they admitted it runs badly and will try and optimize it?
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I think the guys I've been playing with are about to give up on it, as am I to be honest*.

It's a great game for PVE, but the PVP especially since the server transfers and no ID on building/item destruction came in has made it utterly pointless for the time investment, at least on public servers with PVP enabled.
My friends and I noticed that almost immediately after the server transfers came in there was a huge uptick in grieving, then when the tribe log changes came in the number of destructive and pointless raids on bases increased massively.

The base and all it's contents that my friends have spent months and hundreds of hours has just been wiped out (including all the pets and storage - even the low value stuff, boxes with things like stone, and dodo/dilo's), by a tribe that basically ported in and took out many of the other tribes on the server.

*It turns out I've logged a lot of hours for the game, although most of them are from me either sitting in base whilst on the forums/doing other stuff, but I'd spent enough time active to reach level 70.
Well I chose to give it a go again, have put about 20-25 hours in this week. I spent the first few just checking out different servers. Due to not playing for over a year + I thought once I downloaded my data in a server I had to run back to an obelisk to move again. You don't - you can do it at supply drops, and as I found out, I think relating to the above post, when I finally got to an obelisk it was completed sealed off with metal and auto-turrets :o I logged off at that point but the next day found that once you have uploaded you seem to be able to download anywhere repeatedly but I assume now that I am a level higher I would have to re-upload to switch again or lose that level. After a bit of research it seems that the big hate for the server switching is due to alpha tribes losing their alphaness to random russian/chinese and other tribes who destroy absolutely everything which is fair enough.....although from other reports I have read a lot of alpha tribes who had actually been decent to others on their server banded together with the smaller tribes and have successfully defended. I think it is just the server choice and the mentality of people playing on it that will decide.

I ended up settling on an EU Centre server as hadn't played the map and there is a surprising amount of Russians on there as a lot of the text at different times of the days are just the square blocks replacing the characters I don't have :p

I've been randomly killed a few times by other players including one knockout, handcuffs, and encumbered which is just unecessary but it was 3 dudes wearing hide armour and I had my nice new shiny flack set on but running around a beach taming a ptera! Solo PvP is hard but I am just being more careful :p

Shamefully its still incredibly addictive but they really do seem to have just added content, most of the bugs including my biggest one the buggy Dino AI is still there, but with a Spring 2017 release and them still claiming 'its an Alpha' then we will have to see if it actually goes Beta before release which should be the refining.
I've played nearly a thousand hours on this, ive not played it properly for months tho. I tried it the other day as i had put a new gtx1070 in my pc and i'd forgot how bad it ran haha cant believe id put so much time in something that run's so bad.
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I gave it a miss when I had to play on low settings with pretty bad fps, now there's mods too. I am in!

OK made a pickaxe, in slot 1. But I can't equip it?
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My good god sooo much grinding, I don't feel like I'm playing the game, I feel as though I care more about my level than my base, character and dinosaurs
My good god sooo much grinding, I don't feel like I'm playing the game, I feel as though I care more about my level than my base, character and dinosaurs

Come play on mine and my mates server then.

We started it last week and have spent a while tweaking things to get it running nicely. 10x rates and 15x tame makes it much less of a grind. Few nice mods on there as well, increased stacks and lower weights. Better loot drops, structures plus mod. Not many players at the minute either so it's nice and chilled.
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