It's alright, a 6/10 at best in my book. Plenty of items to craft and lots of engrams to unlock as you level. The health, stamina etc systems are great. If you're out of stamina in the middle of the ocean you drown as you would expect.
Edit: For giggles I tried 4K thinking my system would lolnope. But.. 35fps on Medium. Res scaling middle, sky and ground clutter 1/3rd of the bar up. Pic:
lol, for a moment i thought you were just like those annoying Reddit ppl who've posted nighttime screenshots where you cant see nothing - then i checked and you WERE one of the annoying reddit people posting night time pics

Show us the daytime gloriousness!!!! I can see these night time screenshots just by turning off my monitors

Strange that you were getting those weird cursor alignment issues on a 4K screen, i'd have thought it might have issues with irregular ratios but not something like 4K. Im sure it'll get fixed though, they're commonplace enough for it to be causing issues for plenty of ppl, and i'd imagine plenty are having to dial down to 1080p.
Theres some really beautiful looking screenshots in this album, its on 'Epic' setting, 4690K & 970 - "I get 15-25 FPS, but it's more than playable". The devs have said DX12 is already seeing improvements around 40-50% in framerate, with some optimisation it shouldnt be beyond reason to be able to run Epic @ 1080p on reasonable hardware, certainly by next year. Im loving the density of forests though, they feel like forests rather than just a bunch of trees.
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