Arma 2 multiplayer arranging thread

great sessions tonight lads. some nice team work although it would be nice if we can all communicate more via voip or text chat.

so far i se some soldiers next to me and whenever i say hi via text or voip i get to response and therefore no clue what they are doing
Anyone else think VOIP technology is still a little lame?

Surely with the computers we have and network infrastructures we have, VOIP should be similiar to making a conference call on a phone?

In reality, there are cutouts, clicks and farts all over the shop :(

Also, have you guys tried the in-game VOIP?
That was fun. It's a bit wrong that whoever is the commander in a vehicle gets all the kills when the gunner does the firing.

Here's the armour team taking some relaxation time ;)

LOL!!!! Incorrect! Thats You, Hammer, Me!

Tonight was great fun again. Still don't know about those other map modes... but then it didnt start too good.. Sarcasm parked his heli under mine midflight (don't believe him, he will try and say I landed on him!).. and then the town had 1 guy hiding it in.. and the same "find the last ******" gametype was on the subsequent map too!

Those domination ones seem to be the only ones that work properly.
Id liek to point out one thing, and im sure Gord knows this he was flying highter than me, I SAID ON TS im lower than you avoidng radar... next thing i know Gord lands on me.. killeg 12 of us in total and having a -22 score!!!!

but poor gord then had to suffer me laughing so hard i couldnt breath due to his lil mistake :D any how we made up for it with the tank when i loaded anti troop rounds and layed waste to teh hill side full of troops, and poor hammer... runs up a hill to get in teh rank and i fire a round past his ear and deafen him LOL :D

im enjoying playing other game types :) im lil tired of domination on that same map
You guys left too early. That next map was really good. We only had three of us and all of us were noobs lol

We actually took out the first town despite being about a hundred men in there lol

We did have to rely upon L33 for actually getting near to the 2nd town. Who kindly took out the AA for us.

I got a much better understanding of the game as well, including trying out a few more vehicles as we had plenty at base with only three of us.

The space bar made it a treat in identifying people. I think i got about 22 kills in total.

Do those kills stack up or are they just for that map?
Can anyone explain the Mutiplayer game types, are the majority of servers Humans vs CPU.

Or is it Humans v Humans?

There is an amazing human v human game, CTI using the CRCTI warfare map .. usually 18v18 but each player is a commander that can control a squad of AI, buying different soldiers / cars / transports / tanks / choppers / jets with money you earn. Honestly don't know why anyone plays COOP beyond getting to grips with some basics.

When you get into a CRCTI game, you will probably feel a bit overwhelmed at first and if you're unsure about squad command I made a small guide here:

Game is the same as COOP only instead of just turkey shooting your way from town to town there will be big offensives / counter offensives, a lot of back and forth etc, it can be really epic.
There is an amazing human v human game, CTI using the CRCTI warfare map .. usually 18v18 but each player is a commander that can control a squad of AI, buying different soldiers / cars / transports / tanks / choppers / jets with money you earn. Honestly don't know why anyone plays COOP beyond getting to grips with some basics.

When you get into a CRCTI game, you will probably feel a bit overwhelmed at first and if you're unsure about squad command I made a small guide here:

Game is the same as COOP only instead of just turkey shooting your way from town to town there will be big offensives / counter offensives, a lot of back and forth etc, it can be really epic.

Not many people playing that game type may be due to the bucket loads
od bugs in the cti warfare sytle maps

Arma1 is great for warefar because all the bugs are ironed out , not so good in arma2
Guys I'm a long time Ventrilo user and not used to TS... is there any special/hidden settings that stop it sounding so horrendously bad? Everyone sounds like they've swallowed their microphone and when more than one person speaks at once its just a complete mess of noise!
Failing that, does anybody want to try ventrilo as I have one running.
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